Vicki Butterworth (BikeNZ Development) and Jeanette Cooper (SportHB) are offering aspiring cyclists from all codes the opportunity to attend a Sponsorship Workshop specifically for cyclists.
This practical and interactive workshop is for individual cyclists who are seeking personal sponsorship funding/fundraising so they can compete in their respective cycling codes to reach their goals.
Upon completion of the workshop, individuals will have designed and published for themselves a Sponsorship Proposal to give to prospective sponsors and will have gained an understanding of how to approach sponsors.
Family, coaches and supporters are encouraged to assist by attending also.
Date: Tuesday July 19th (1st week of school holidays)
Time: Please indicate if you would prefer 1pm, 4pm or 6pm with your expression of interest
Location: Sport Hawkes Bay, Pettigrew Green Arena
Contact: or 06.845 9336 Ex722