On the weekend we discovered that Ashleigh has all the traits of a psychopath. So perhaps Hannah may not be here for long.. We watched a delightful (Dutch with English Subtitles) documentary on the subject of psychopaths and they told us they are
• high achieving
• Intimidating
• Charismatic
• Manipulative
• Attentive
• They are likely to trick people into thinking they are understanding and friendly, but really they feel no empathetic emotion.
This developed into an initiation into the Vampire world with ceremonious cake consumption on Wednesday. If we explain this story it loses it humour so we will leave you all in the dark.
We got our first job, clearing a garden of brambles, weeds and the odd tree. We learnt long sleeves are a good idea, and it pays not to touch the nettles. Quick! To the Weleda Cabinet! During our adventures in the garden we may or may not have spent an hour hunting “Mr Mole”. Yes, that’s right! A legit mole! An actual little blindey mole! Who lives in the ground and does mole things! He is due to be exterminated, so we are trying to catch him and release him in the dunes so he doesn’t get murdered. He is probably rabid though, and in appreciation of our efforts to save his life is likely to share this with Hannah’s face! Quick! To the Weleda cabinet!!
We found ourselves commuter biking once again.. on a cycle path.. by ourselves.. lycra and cleat free..Hannah may have heard the sound of a rapid dismount and carbon hitting tarmac as Ashleigh attempted to use electronic devices at the same time as riding...Quick!! To the Weleda cabinet! Nimrod of the week.
We attempted to extend Hemi’s family, with Hemi the Second. Hemi the Second was a HUGE success. Woohoo! And those who have eaten him will also soon be Huge. Quick! To the Weleda cabinet! Hemi the Second was a chocolate tart, made with cream and chocolate on a base of sugar and cream and topped with chocolate eater eggs.. mmmm... time for a base ride.

Oh yeah, we have been training too. We found a gorgeous old building from 1613! (That’s before Able Tasman came to NZ, a house that old!) woah.
Ash rode a crit yesterday, made 33 of the 40 laps. I think I was in the wrong place, it was more like a Super bike Grand prix than a women’s crit. What sane person corners like those girls do in the rain! 100 starters, 7 corners, 1.5km circuit. Enough said. I was happy to roll with the second group though. Things are improving. I am slowly getting brave and defending my position.
Hannah has a new bike
Much love, Hunnuh and Ushleigh. (That’s how we are known here)