Monday, December 27, 2010
Group Ride Tuesday 28th December
There will be riders meeting on Heretaunga street, Hastings Outside Rebel Sport for a group ride - Sherenden, Crownthorpe Settlement Road return 8:00am
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Do not forget the Annual Christmas Cake Tootle -
Where: Clock tower Havelock North
When - Sunday 26th December
Time 8:00 am
Required : Yourself , Your Bike, Christmas Cake
Tail and Lead cars will be in support.
This is a social ride initially at a gentle pace to Camp David where riders will dismount until all riders have re-gathered.
The ride continues on to Waipawa via Patangata, River and Pourerere Roads where we will stop at the playground on the eastern side of the Main Street for 15 - 20 Min's for comaradierie and Christmas Cake.
The ride then returns to Havelock North via Racecourse, Elsthorpe, TeKura and Middle Roads.
Riders will then regather for refreshments at the Garden Bar of Turks access via service lane near Steak Out on Havelock Road.
See you all there - Steve
Where: Clock tower Havelock North
When - Sunday 26th December
Time 8:00 am
Required : Yourself , Your Bike, Christmas Cake
Tail and Lead cars will be in support.
This is a social ride initially at a gentle pace to Camp David where riders will dismount until all riders have re-gathered.
The ride continues on to Waipawa via Patangata, River and Pourerere Roads where we will stop at the playground on the eastern side of the Main Street for 15 - 20 Min's for comaradierie and Christmas Cake.
The ride then returns to Havelock North via Racecourse, Elsthorpe, TeKura and Middle Roads.
Riders will then regather for refreshments at the Garden Bar of Turks access via service lane near Steak Out on Havelock Road.
See you all there - Steve
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Pukeora Invitation Race from CHB Cycling
RCC has no racing for 2 Saturdays (Christmas Day and New Year’s Day) and CHB Cycling have invited us to ride with them on their first Tuesday race of 2011, which will culminate in a gathering at the Pukeora Cafe.
If you think you will ride this, please email Ken at so he can collate and send probable numbers to CHB Cycling. This way the Cafe can cater for all riders.
When: January 4th 2011
Race Circuit: Pukeora Circuit
Registration: 3pm, at top of Pukeora Hill
Race start time: 4pm
Afterwards: Pukeora Cafe will be open for riders to purchase sustenance
Graded A-D (CHB & Ramblers): 58.5km. South HW2 Maharakeke Rd, Oruawharo Rd, Aorangi Rd, Hinerangi Rd, Woburn Rd, Hatuma Rd, HW2 Pukeora Scenic Rd South, HW 2 Maharakeke Rd, Waiou Rd, Hatuma Rd, HW2 Pukeora Scenic Rd. Hill Top Finish
Graded E & F (Ramblers): 38.5km. South HW2 Maharakeke Rd, Oruawharo Rd, Aorangi Rd, Hinerangi Rd, Woburn Rd, Hatuma Rd, HW2 Pukeora Scenic Rd. Hill Top Finish
Graded E1 & E2 (CHB): 27.6km. South HW2 Maharakeke Rd, Woburn Rd, Hatuma Rd, HW2 Pukeora Scenic Rd. Hill Top Finish
Graded F (CHB): 3.8km. North to bottom of Hill, Left into old Road to end & return. Finish at top of Hill
If you think you will ride this, please email Ken at so he can collate and send probable numbers to CHB Cycling. This way the Cafe can cater for all riders.
When: January 4th 2011
Race Circuit: Pukeora Circuit
Registration: 3pm, at top of Pukeora Hill
Race start time: 4pm
Afterwards: Pukeora Cafe will be open for riders to purchase sustenance
Graded A-D (CHB & Ramblers): 58.5km. South HW2 Maharakeke Rd, Oruawharo Rd, Aorangi Rd, Hinerangi Rd, Woburn Rd, Hatuma Rd, HW2 Pukeora Scenic Rd South, HW 2 Maharakeke Rd, Waiou Rd, Hatuma Rd, HW2 Pukeora Scenic Rd. Hill Top Finish
Graded E & F (Ramblers): 38.5km. South HW2 Maharakeke Rd, Oruawharo Rd, Aorangi Rd, Hinerangi Rd, Woburn Rd, Hatuma Rd, HW2 Pukeora Scenic Rd. Hill Top Finish
Graded E1 & E2 (CHB): 27.6km. South HW2 Maharakeke Rd, Woburn Rd, Hatuma Rd, HW2 Pukeora Scenic Rd. Hill Top Finish
Graded F (CHB): 3.8km. North to bottom of Hill, Left into old Road to end & return. Finish at top of Hill
TV Coverage of the RaboDirect Criterium Nationals
Tune in to TV1 on Sunday 19th between 1:30pm and 2:30pm
Open Ride Invitation Sunday 19th December
If you are not tuning in to the Criterium coverage, than take your family and friends, your bikes, walking shoes, dogs, mobility scooters, prams, wheelchairs, colourful costumes and picnics. Enjoy the beach, kite-flying, jugglers, face painting, flyovers, music and much more. Visit local artists and wineries. For more information
Monday, December 13, 2010
The Peter & Elaine Gavin Junior Coaching Scholarship
Ramblers Cycling is proud to offer, in conjunction with Team Coach Ltd, the Peter and Elaine Gavin Junior Coaching Scholarship for the 2011 Summer/Autumn racing season
Similar to the scholarships available at the start of 2010, coaching scholarships will be available to U19, U17, and U15 members of Ramblers Cycling Club.
The coaching scholarships have been offered by Peter and Elaine Gavin to enable support for juniors who wish to build toward key events in the next six months; Hub Tour, CHB, TeA, CRI and the Club Nationals. Female juniors selected for a scholarship will have the Bev May Tour built into their programmes, and any juniors wishing to compete in track events will have the Waikato/BOP Champs and the Junior Track Champs as part of their focus.
These scholarships are available only to juniors who are current and paid up members of Ramblers for the 2011 season. If you are interested in focusing on events and wish to develop your cycling skills and capability, please register interest by Sunday 19th December. Further details will be given to those who are interested.
Phone 06 8395 870
On behalf of Ramblers juniors, thank you Pete and Elaine for your generosity, and to Ivar Hopman of Team Coach Ltd for your support.
Similar to the scholarships available at the start of 2010, coaching scholarships will be available to U19, U17, and U15 members of Ramblers Cycling Club.
The coaching scholarships have been offered by Peter and Elaine Gavin to enable support for juniors who wish to build toward key events in the next six months; Hub Tour, CHB, TeA, CRI and the Club Nationals. Female juniors selected for a scholarship will have the Bev May Tour built into their programmes, and any juniors wishing to compete in track events will have the Waikato/BOP Champs and the Junior Track Champs as part of their focus.
These scholarships are available only to juniors who are current and paid up members of Ramblers for the 2011 season. If you are interested in focusing on events and wish to develop your cycling skills and capability, please register interest by Sunday 19th December. Further details will be given to those who are interested.
Phone 06 8395 870
On behalf of Ramblers juniors, thank you Pete and Elaine for your generosity, and to Ivar Hopman of Team Coach Ltd for your support.
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Saturday Race 11th December 2010
Race Circuit: Mutiny Road Circuit
Registration on Crystal Road: from 1pm (pay your $3 and be registered before your race start)
Venue afterwards: Arohanui Centre
Race start time: 2pm
Race Starter: Tony Hartley
Race Day Emergency Phone: 0274266895
Please remember to park your cars on Mt Erin Road to minimise hazards on the course.
Registration on Crystal Road: from 1pm (pay your $3 and be registered before your race start)
Venue afterwards: Arohanui Centre
Race start time: 2pm
Race Starter: Tony Hartley
Race Day Emergency Phone: 0274266895
Please remember to park your cars on Mt Erin Road to minimise hazards on the course.
Race fees and Club Subs
Subs for 2011 are due. Licence renewal and new memberships can be completed online
Elite Nationals
Entries close on December 10th so you only have two days remaining to get these in to Derrick Nelson. Entry form available at
HDC Try-out Bike
Hastings District Council are planning a “Try-Out Bike Event at St. Mary’s School, Mahora, Hastings, so that community members can try bicycling in a safe environment on their own or a borrowed bike. St. Mary’s has a circular trail that is off road and provides a somewhat private environment.
The purpose of the event is to get more people cycling and maintain momentum from the launch of the Council’s Model Communities project (the I-Way) and is a follow up to a Bike Fix-up day on 5 December.
Bicycle shops have been invited to bring along a range of bicycles for the community to give it a go ( a great marketing opportunity just before Christmas!)
Thursday, 16 December
5:45pm – 6:30pm – Women Only
6:45pm-7:30 – Families and everyone
If you would like more information, or would like to be a part of the day, please contact Jennifer Leaf at Hastings District Council on 871 5000 or email
The purpose of the event is to get more people cycling and maintain momentum from the launch of the Council’s Model Communities project (the I-Way) and is a follow up to a Bike Fix-up day on 5 December.
Bicycle shops have been invited to bring along a range of bicycles for the community to give it a go ( a great marketing opportunity just before Christmas!)
Thursday, 16 December
5:45pm – 6:30pm – Women Only
6:45pm-7:30 – Families and everyone
If you would like more information, or would like to be a part of the day, please contact Jennifer Leaf at Hastings District Council on 871 5000 or email
Race Grades and Grading Policy
With the start of a new series some members may be returning to action and not be aware that the club has implemented a grading policy from the Spring series. It was first publicised in July and for the information of any who missed it we repeat the policy’s background:
Members riding out of grade have been a point of contention in the club for some considerable time. Previously there has been an understanding that if riders rode down a grade they would take no active part in that grade's race and ride at the rear of the bunch. Some riders did this but others have interfered with lower grades' racing by putting in attacks, pulling back breakaways and so forth. Some riders also seem to pick and choose which grade they will ride in depending on how much training they've been doing, or whether the race is hilly.
Ramblers racing is almost all graded and it is unfair on the majority of our members who race week in, week out, in their right grade to have others re-grading themselves as it suits them and affecting others' races. This practice also causes grief for those who give their time compiling results and the points table.
The committee adopted a grading policy and this policy is being implemented.
The main points are:
* Riders must remain in the grade they are in at the start of a series for the whole series. Except in exceptional circumstances, riding out of grade is not allowed.
* In case of injury or serious illness during a series, riders may apply to the club captain to ride down and if permission is given the member will be informed of any conditions.
* If a member wishes to be graded down they must apply to the club captain two weeks before the start of a new series.
* If a member rides in a lower grade without permission they will be automatically isqualified.
* The policy does not apply to riders riding up a grade.
Members riding out of grade have been a point of contention in the club for some considerable time. Previously there has been an understanding that if riders rode down a grade they would take no active part in that grade's race and ride at the rear of the bunch. Some riders did this but others have interfered with lower grades' racing by putting in attacks, pulling back breakaways and so forth. Some riders also seem to pick and choose which grade they will ride in depending on how much training they've been doing, or whether the race is hilly.
Ramblers racing is almost all graded and it is unfair on the majority of our members who race week in, week out, in their right grade to have others re-grading themselves as it suits them and affecting others' races. This practice also causes grief for those who give their time compiling results and the points table.
The committee adopted a grading policy and this policy is being implemented.
The main points are:
* Riders must remain in the grade they are in at the start of a series for the whole series. Except in exceptional circumstances, riding out of grade is not allowed.
* In case of injury or serious illness during a series, riders may apply to the club captain to ride down and if permission is given the member will be informed of any conditions.
* If a member wishes to be graded down they must apply to the club captain two weeks before the start of a new series.
* If a member rides in a lower grade without permission they will be automatically isqualified.
* The policy does not apply to riders riding up a grade.
Tineli Tour de Femme (and Randonee Tour)
Nelson’s Tineli Tour de Femme celebrates ten years on the road cycling calendar at the end of the month with cyclists again signed up to ride five stages over three days in the Nelson sun.
The women’s only tour starts with an 11km climb up the Takaka Hill which always sets up who to chase in the remaining stages that include a circuit race, individual time trial, a 67km then finishing with an 80km ride – covering approximately 220km in total.
To celebrate the milestone anniversary the Nelson Events Team are adding the Randonnee tour.
Randonnee, taken from the French, to mean cycling a set distance over a given time, allows those not as experienced in bunch racing or without the desire to race at the pace of New Zealand's top female cyclists to complete the Tour de Femme. In short, 'they've either been there and done that, they're still getting there but not ready just yet, or they have no inclination to actually get there’. This group of women will ride five stages however the total distance will be less with the focus on completing each stage within the set time, supporting each other and enjoying a really positive riding environment.
Visit for full details or contact us direct – Averil 021 303 160 or Amanda 021 02687794
The women’s only tour starts with an 11km climb up the Takaka Hill which always sets up who to chase in the remaining stages that include a circuit race, individual time trial, a 67km then finishing with an 80km ride – covering approximately 220km in total.
To celebrate the milestone anniversary the Nelson Events Team are adding the Randonnee tour.
Randonnee, taken from the French, to mean cycling a set distance over a given time, allows those not as experienced in bunch racing or without the desire to race at the pace of New Zealand's top female cyclists to complete the Tour de Femme. In short, 'they've either been there and done that, they're still getting there but not ready just yet, or they have no inclination to actually get there’. This group of women will ride five stages however the total distance will be less with the focus on completing each stage within the set time, supporting each other and enjoying a really positive riding environment.
Visit for full details or contact us direct – Averil 021 303 160 or Amanda 021 02687794
EMC2 Hub Tour: 14th – 16th January
A reminder that you will need your race licence to enter and compete in the EMC2 Hub Tour.
Contact Race Director Wally Woods for more information
Contact Race Director Wally Woods for more information
Track Repairs – Wanganui Velodrome
The Wanganui Velodrome is due for maintenance repairs. The Track will be CLOSED every Monday and Friday from 8:00am to 5:00pm,commencing Friday 3rd December. Subject to weather the maintenance project is scheduled to be complete in two to three weeks. The Wanganui Cycling Club apologise in advance for any inconvenience this may cause.
Upcoming events around the country
10th December: Criterium National Championship, Auckland (also Takapuna Grand Prix)
18th December: Rice Mountain Classic, Wairarapa 28th – 30th December Tineli Tour de Femme, Nelson
7th -9th January: 2011 RaboDirect Elite Road National Championship, Christchurch
14th – 16th January: EMC2 Hub Tour Contact Race Director Wally Woods for more information
23rd January: BR Turfrey Plumbers Tour de Beautiful CHB – Online entry form available here
29th - 30th January. Martinborough 2 day Tour
12th -13th February: Morrinsville Womens Tour 2011
13th -19th February 2011: Lion Foundation Wellington to Auckland Cycle Challenge.
18th December: Rice Mountain Classic, Wairarapa 28th – 30th December Tineli Tour de Femme, Nelson
7th -9th January: 2011 RaboDirect Elite Road National Championship, Christchurch
14th – 16th January: EMC2 Hub Tour Contact Race Director Wally Woods for more information
23rd January: BR Turfrey Plumbers Tour de Beautiful CHB – Online entry form available here
29th - 30th January. Martinborough 2 day Tour
12th -13th February: Morrinsville Womens Tour 2011
13th -19th February 2011: Lion Foundation Wellington to Auckland Cycle Challenge.
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Ramblers Cycling Club Announces a New Naming Sponsor.
Ramblers Cycling Club is proud to announce that it has signed an agreement whereby Heretaunga Building Society will become the naming sponsor for the Club. Ramblers will now be known as “Ramblers Cycling Club, powered by Heretaunga Buidling Society”.
The sponsorship agreement, which becomes effective on 1 January 2011 has an initial term of three years. Ramblers Chairman, Gavin Bush said “The Ramblers Committee is delighted to receive this sponsorship and we welcome Heretaunga Building Society on board as the naming sponsor for our Club. This sponsorship allows Ramblers to move to the next level in administration of our activities and provides a great boost for Ramblers”.
The Heretaunga Building Society Chairman Jim Harvey says “The Heretaunga Building Society is delighted to be involved with Ramblers Cycling Club as one of the most progressive sporting clubs in Hawkes Bay. We at the Heretaunga Building Society look forward to forging a strong partnership together.”
You can expect to see Heretaunga Building Society signage at all Ramblers events from next year including having their logo prominently on our new jerseys, and on our Club vehicle and trailer.
Heretaunga Building Society is a financial institution and operates in the financial services industry, taking deposits from and providing loans to members of the society. For over 75 years, the Society has been making loans to Hawkes Bay members and investing members funds on their behalf. They support the Hawkes Bay community in a number of ways, including various sponsorships.
Both the Society and Ramblers see this partnership as being beneficial to both parties and hope it continues for as long as possible. Please support the Society wherever possible.
The sponsorship agreement, which becomes effective on 1 January 2011 has an initial term of three years. Ramblers Chairman, Gavin Bush said “The Ramblers Committee is delighted to receive this sponsorship and we welcome Heretaunga Building Society on board as the naming sponsor for our Club. This sponsorship allows Ramblers to move to the next level in administration of our activities and provides a great boost for Ramblers”.
The Heretaunga Building Society Chairman Jim Harvey says “The Heretaunga Building Society is delighted to be involved with Ramblers Cycling Club as one of the most progressive sporting clubs in Hawkes Bay. We at the Heretaunga Building Society look forward to forging a strong partnership together.”
You can expect to see Heretaunga Building Society signage at all Ramblers events from next year including having their logo prominently on our new jerseys, and on our Club vehicle and trailer.
Heretaunga Building Society is a financial institution and operates in the financial services industry, taking deposits from and providing loans to members of the society. For over 75 years, the Society has been making loans to Hawkes Bay members and investing members funds on their behalf. They support the Hawkes Bay community in a number of ways, including various sponsorships.
Both the Society and Ramblers see this partnership as being beneficial to both parties and hope it continues for as long as possible. Please support the Society wherever possible.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Saturday Race 4th December 2010
Venue: Pukehamoamoa School
Registration: from 1pm (pay your $3 and be registered before your race start) Race start time: 2pm Race Starter: Gavin Scoble Race Day Emergency Phone: 0274266895
Registration: from 1pm (pay your $3 and be registered before your race start) Race start time: 2pm Race Starter: Gavin Scoble Race Day Emergency Phone: 0274266895
Summer Thursday Night Racing Begins Today(2 December)
Circuit: Ohiti Road Time Trial
Start time: 6pm
Starter: Ken MacKenzie
Start time: 6pm
Starter: Ken MacKenzie
Cycling Safety Tips
With cycle safety high profile at the moment, here are two websites with useful
Health & Safety Policy
The Health & Safety Policy circulated with the last week's eNews was the draft version. The website copy is the correct version adopted by committee.
BR Turfrey's Tour de Beautiful 2011
Online registrations are open and registration forms and course details are available through the Cycling CHB web site are less than 8 weeks left to go before the 23rd January and the start of the Tour de Beautiful.
The event offers even more chances than previous years to win, including a brand new Ford Fiesta from Ruahine Ford. Eligibility for spot prizes has been extended to the two 25 km courses which also include a meal with each entry.
The event offers even more chances than previous years to win, including a brand new Ford Fiesta from Ruahine Ford. Eligibility for spot prizes has been extended to the two 25 km courses which also include a meal with each entry.
Advice on Wairarapa to Porangahau cycling route
Gerrard Smith is wanting to get in touch with someone who knows about routes between Wairarapa to Porangahau. He lives in Wellington and is coming up to Porangahau in January for a few nights holiday with a group of friends. They are planning to ride up (with an overnight stop along the way...) and so Gerrard is trying to scope out appropriate routes and would appreciate any local knowledge about traffic, road conditions, or recommended routes. If you can help Gerrard, please email
Big Bike Fix Up: Saturday 5th Decemeber, Hastings town clock
Please see attached poster. If any of you which to assist as mechanic, Owen Mata will be grateful. This is a great promotion for encouraging people to get their bikes ready to ride, so take your parents, your kids, your neighbours... if you're there, it will also be a good opportunity to talk to the public about Ramblers Cycling Club.
Be there between 10am-1pm... spot prizes on offer too
Be there between 10am-1pm... spot prizes on offer too
Upcoming events around the country
Upcoming events around the country
7th -9th December: Festival of Speed, Invercargill. 3 day track carnival includes the 2011 Madison National Championship
10th December: Criterium National Championship, Auckland (also Takapuna Grand
18th December: Rice Mountain Classic, Wairarapa
7th -9th January: 2011 RaboDirect Elite Road National Championship, Christchurch
14th – 16th January: EMC2 Hub Tour Contact Race Director Wally Woods for more information
23rd January: BR Turfrey Plumbers Tour de Beautiful CHB – Online entry form available here
29th - 30th January. Martinborough 2 day Tour
12th -13th February: Morrinsville Womens Tour 2011
13th -19th February 2011: Lion Foundation Wellington to Auckland Cycle Challenge.
7th -9th December: Festival of Speed, Invercargill. 3 day track carnival includes the 2011 Madison National Championship
10th December: Criterium National Championship, Auckland (also Takapuna Grand
18th December: Rice Mountain Classic, Wairarapa
7th -9th January: 2011 RaboDirect Elite Road National Championship, Christchurch
14th – 16th January: EMC2 Hub Tour Contact Race Director Wally Woods for more information
23rd January: BR Turfrey Plumbers Tour de Beautiful CHB – Online entry form available here
29th - 30th January. Martinborough 2 day Tour
12th -13th February: Morrinsville Womens Tour 2011
13th -19th February 2011: Lion Foundation Wellington to Auckland Cycle Challenge.
Monday, November 29, 2010
Summer 2010 - 2011 Race Programme
The Summer Programme has now been loaded and is available at
Genuine thanks to Ken MacKenzie who gets the unenviable task of putting this together!
Genuine thanks to Ken MacKenzie who gets the unenviable task of putting this together!
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Have a Crack at the Track
Picnic and Track Day at Taupo Sunday 28th
Ivar is running a track day at the Taupo Velodrome on the Sunday morning after the Great Lake Cycle Challenge. This day has been run for the last couple of years and is usually a nice way to relax with a picnic and fellow ramblers after the strain of the previous day. Those keen bring their helmet, shoes/pedals etc - we will have tools to change over from your roadie if required and will have track bikes available. This is a lot of fun and a good opportunity to have a go at track racing. See you there - dont forget to bring a picnic lunch and if previous years are anything to go by sun screen will be a must.
Ivar is running a track day at the Taupo Velodrome on the Sunday morning after the Great Lake Cycle Challenge. This day has been run for the last couple of years and is usually a nice way to relax with a picnic and fellow ramblers after the strain of the previous day. Those keen bring their helmet, shoes/pedals etc - we will have tools to change over from your roadie if required and will have track bikes available. This is a lot of fun and a good opportunity to have a go at track racing. See you there - dont forget to bring a picnic lunch and if previous years are anything to go by sun screen will be a must.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Saturday 27th November 2010
No race on Saturday 27th (Round Taupo weekend).
A club social ride leaves from Puketapu School at 2pm. No cost.
All the best to those of you taking on the challenge of the Lake this weekend – and to those of you supporting the challengers!
A club social ride leaves from Puketapu School at 2pm. No cost.
All the best to those of you taking on the challenge of the Lake this weekend – and to those of you supporting the challengers!
Health & Safety Policy:
All of us I’m sure are only too aware at the moment of the risks of cycling, both recreational and competitive. So members should not be surprised that as part of introducing key polices for the running of the club, we have adopted one on Health & Safety.
It is attached and can also be found on the Club Documents page of the website.
Members are strongly encouraged to read it.
It emphasises that health and safety is the responsibility of all of us in the club. The committee and club officials have a responsibility to establish and maintain procedures to foster health and safety. Members also have a vital role to play in helping to keep themselves and others safe in what is a risky sport.
It is attached and can also be found on the Club Documents page of the website.
Members are strongly encouraged to read it.
It emphasises that health and safety is the responsibility of all of us in the club. The committee and club officials have a responsibility to establish and maintain procedures to foster health and safety. Members also have a vital role to play in helping to keep themselves and others safe in what is a risky sport.
Cycle Safety
It is incumbent upon all of us to be extra careful out there as there are drivers out there who seem unaware of cyclists on the roads, or who do not exercise enough caution in treating cyclists as another vehicle on the road.
Some simple tips for you can be find a this web site.
Some simple tips for you can be find a this web site.
Remember the deadline for the next edition is Sunday 28 November.
All contributions welcome. Please send photos, event reports, cycle stories and articles to Dave
All contributions welcome. Please send photos, event reports, cycle stories and articles to Dave
Final reminder: Ramblers New Uniform
If you wish to have your say on the final uniform, please go to Ramblers website to view the options:
Go to to cast your vote and comments by 5pm Thursday 25 November.
Go to to cast your vote and comments by 5pm Thursday 25 November.
Wellington Evening Time Trials.
These have begun again. So for those of you who find themselves in Welington on a Thursday, take your bike with you.
Start time: 6:30pm at Liverton Road. See map below.,174.963155&spn=0.023356,0.055747&z=15
Start time: 6:30pm at Liverton Road. See map below.,174.963155&spn=0.023356,0.055747&z=15
Monday, November 22, 2010
Napier Commuter Challenge 2010
Tomorrow’s breakfast is at Langley Twigg, over at West Quay at Ahuriri, beside Speight’s Ale House. Last year Antony, Roy, Di and the team did a stunning BBQ on their sunny deck overlooking the harbour – they really do have a fantastic place to work. See you there from 7.00am.
If you were wondering where the breakfasts are this week have a look at Bike Hawke’s Bay website for the calendar. on Commuter Challenge , top menu) Don’t forget there is a prize for all those who fill in the Active Transport Survey, a BikeNZ RideStrong Cycling Jersey. The Online survey is available at the link:
Already 139 commuter cyclists are registered for the challenge and 54 cyclists are in the draw for the grand prize! Remember if you bike for 5 or more times over the two weeks you will be in the draw for the fantastic trip for two to ride the Otago Rail Trail with Air New Zealand and Trail Journeys This prize will be drawn at Hawke’s Bay Today with Classic Hits Breakfast on Friday 26th November!
Thanks again,
If you were wondering where the breakfasts are this week have a look at Bike Hawke’s Bay website for the calendar. on Commuter Challenge , top menu) Don’t forget there is a prize for all those who fill in the Active Transport Survey, a BikeNZ RideStrong Cycling Jersey. The Online survey is available at the link:
Already 139 commuter cyclists are registered for the challenge and 54 cyclists are in the draw for the grand prize! Remember if you bike for 5 or more times over the two weeks you will be in the draw for the fantastic trip for two to ride the Otago Rail Trail with Air New Zealand and Trail Journeys This prize will be drawn at Hawke’s Bay Today with Classic Hits Breakfast on Friday 26th November!
Thanks again,
No Saturday Race
No race on Saturday 27th (Round Taupo weekend).
A club social ride leaves from Puketapu School at 2pm. No cost.
Safe traveling to those of you spending part of the weekend at Taupo, and all the best for for goals around The Lake.
A club social ride leaves from Puketapu School at 2pm. No cost.
Safe traveling to those of you spending part of the weekend at Taupo, and all the best for for goals around The Lake.
Remember the deadline for the next edition is Sunday 28 November.
All contributions welcome. Please send photos, event reports, cycle stories and articles to Dave
All contributions welcome. Please send photos, event reports, cycle stories and articles to Dave
EMC2 Hub Tour: 14th – 16th January
A reminder that you will need your race licence to enter and compete in the EMC2 Hub Tour.
Contact Race Director Wally Woods for more information
Contact Race Director Wally Woods for more information
Race fees and Club Subs
Saturday race fees for members will remain at $3.00 but from the start of the Autumn 2011 series, race fees for visitors will increase to $10 per race. If a person who has ridden as a visitor becomes a member they will not be charged a fee for their transponder.
Subs for 2011 are due from 1 November and this is a renewal notice for members.
Licence renewal and new memberships can be completed online
Subs for 2011 are due from 1 November and this is a renewal notice for members.
Licence renewal and new memberships can be completed online
Ramblers Rebranding, Logo and New Uniform
Reminder: Please go to Ramblers website to view the options:
If you like aspects of either option there is still opportunity to tweak the final shorts design. For example if you prefer Option X but would like the solid blue U panel please let us know.
Go to to cast your vote and comments by 5pm Thursday 25 November.
If you like aspects of either option there is still opportunity to tweak the final shorts design. For example if you prefer Option X but would like the solid blue U panel please let us know.
Go to to cast your vote and comments by 5pm Thursday 25 November.
SPARC Roadshow: 24th November 2010
Peter Miskimin, CEO of SPARC will front this year’s roadshow presentation with various SPARC senior members of staff. This session will detail SPARC’s future direction and will also provide opportunities for you to comment, ask questions and raise any concerns affecting sport sectors (like cycling!!).
Be there 2pm-4:30pm at the Lady Pettigrew Arena if you want to have your say.
Be there 2pm-4:30pm at the Lady Pettigrew Arena if you want to have your say.
Let’s Bike Black White: Unison Velodrome Hawkes Bay
It’s still not too late to “donate” your entire cycling kilometres to the Let’s Bike Black White campaign. Email to register. More details available at this URL
Heart Children Sponsorship: Round Taupo Challenge
Cyclist and EIT lecturer Glenn Horrocks is riding the Lake Taupo Cycle Challenge for the first time. If you would like to support Glenn and also the “Heart Children”, you can make a donation at
Upcoming events around the country
25th November: 10 Mile Scratch Race - Taupo Cycling Club will present the first 10 mile Scratch Race at the Taupo Velodrome
27th November: Wattle Round Taupo Challenge
7th -9th December: Festival of Speed, Invercargill. 3 day track carnival includes the 2011 Madison National Championship
10th December: Criterium National Championship, Auckland (also Takapuna Grand
7th -9th January: 2011 RaboDirect Elite Road National Championship, Christchurch
14th – 16th January: EMC2 Hub Tour Contact Race Director Wally Woods for more information
27th January: BR Turfrey Plumbers Tour de Beautiful CHB – Online entry form available here
12th -13th February: Morrinsville Womens Tour 2011
13th -19th February 2011: Lion Foundation Wellington to Auckland Cycle Challenge.
27th November: Wattle Round Taupo Challenge
7th -9th December: Festival of Speed, Invercargill. 3 day track carnival includes the 2011 Madison National Championship
10th December: Criterium National Championship, Auckland (also Takapuna Grand
7th -9th January: 2011 RaboDirect Elite Road National Championship, Christchurch
14th – 16th January: EMC2 Hub Tour Contact Race Director Wally Woods for more information
27th January: BR Turfrey Plumbers Tour de Beautiful CHB – Online entry form available here
12th -13th February: Morrinsville Womens Tour 2011
13th -19th February 2011: Lion Foundation Wellington to Auckland Cycle Challenge.
Friday, November 19, 2010
Saturday Race 20th November 2010
Race Circuit: Te Kura Road
Venue: Arohanui Centre
Registration: from 1pm (pay your $3 and be registered before your race start) Race start time: 2pm Race Starter: Hilary Green Race Day Emergency Phone: 0274266895
Venue: Arohanui Centre
Registration: from 1pm (pay your $3 and be registered before your race start) Race start time: 2pm Race Starter: Hilary Green Race Day Emergency Phone: 0274266895
Remember the deadline for the next edition is Sunday 28 November. All contributions welcome. Please send photos, event reports, cycle stories and articles to Dave
Ramblers Rebranding, Logo and New Uniform
Ramblers have nearly got a new uniform! Here’s your chance to choose the final design. The “RCC” logo was the narrow winner over the “bike” logo and uniform design has proceeded accordingly. The design has been revised and given a lift – now we’re close to lift off!
Please go to Ramblers website to view the options:
You will see the jersey design is the same on both pages but note subtle variations between the shorts. In Option X the RCC logo has been used to create a faint pattern in the Blue U panel and in the white bands on the leg.
In Option Y the same pattern appears in the black leg bands but the blue is solid.
If you like aspects of either option there is still opportunity to tweak the final shorts design. For example if you prefer Option X but would like the solid blue U panel please let us know.
Go to to cast your vote and comments by 5pm Thursday 25 November.
Once the design is finalised we will settle on a manufacturer that offers the best quality and cost efficiencies. We will advise details about how to purchase our long-awaited new strip to members as soon as we can.
Also the “bike” logo will not be lost. While it will not be our official logo we hope to use it as a graphic for things like promoting events.
Please go to Ramblers website to view the options:
You will see the jersey design is the same on both pages but note subtle variations between the shorts. In Option X the RCC logo has been used to create a faint pattern in the Blue U panel and in the white bands on the leg.
In Option Y the same pattern appears in the black leg bands but the blue is solid.
If you like aspects of either option there is still opportunity to tweak the final shorts design. For example if you prefer Option X but would like the solid blue U panel please let us know.
Go to to cast your vote and comments by 5pm Thursday 25 November.
Once the design is finalised we will settle on a manufacturer that offers the best quality and cost efficiencies. We will advise details about how to purchase our long-awaited new strip to members as soon as we can.
Also the “bike” logo will not be lost. While it will not be our official logo we hope to use it as a graphic for things like promoting events.
Committee Report: Club fees
The Club membership subscription for 2011 has been raised by $10 to $45.00. The U-17, U-19 student and non-rider subs remain at $15.00.
Saturday race fees for members will remain at $3.00 but from the start of the Autumn 2011 series, race fees for visitors will increase to $10 per race. If a person who has ridden as a visitor becomes a member they will not be charged a fee for their transponder.
The background to these changes is that the club traditionally aims for subs to cover general and admin costs and race fees to cover race costs. However we are looking at deficits for both these areas in the current financial year.
The committee is mindful that there is no good time to raise fees and that there needs to be good reason for any increase. The increases are necessary but the committee considers the subs and especially the race fees are still very good value.
Saturday race fees for members will remain at $3.00 but from the start of the Autumn 2011 series, race fees for visitors will increase to $10 per race. If a person who has ridden as a visitor becomes a member they will not be charged a fee for their transponder.
The background to these changes is that the club traditionally aims for subs to cover general and admin costs and race fees to cover race costs. However we are looking at deficits for both these areas in the current financial year.
The committee is mindful that there is no good time to raise fees and that there needs to be good reason for any increase. The increases are necessary but the committee considers the subs and especially the race fees are still very good value.
Subs for 2011 are due from 1 November and this is a renewal notice for members.
Licence renewal and new memberships can be completed online
The effective cut-off date for membership will be the end of the Summer Series.
If members have not renewed by then their names will be removed from start lists and they will not be able to race unless they pay the new $10 visitor fee. It is hoped this will stop a repeat of the situation this year where a few members did not renew for some months yet continued to race.
The effective cut-off date for membership will be the end of the Summer Series.
If members have not renewed by then their names will be removed from start lists and they will not be able to race unless they pay the new $10 visitor fee. It is hoped this will stop a repeat of the situation this year where a few members did not renew for some months yet continued to race.
Committee Report: Club laptop
There have been problems with this lately and it has been decided to purchase a new (basic) one with a low-glare screen and carry case. The club mobile pre-paid which is used on race days has also reached its use-by date and is being replaced.
Committee Report: Sponsorship
Discussions with a potential major club sponsor are proceeding well. It was acknowledged that we need a framework to identify sponsorship opportunities and see how these relate to each other rather than proceeding in isolation. Another suggestion was to establish gold/silver/bronze sponsorships which supported the club rather than being tied to aspects of it.
Committee Report: Race Sub-committee:
- The excellent work of Ken Mackenzie and Vicki Butterworth in organising
and running Tour of the Bay was acknowledged.
- Hub Tour: 14, 15, 16 January 2011. The shape of the Hub Tour was
discussed and it was agreed to keep a criterium stage (venue to be confirmed); that the last stage up Burma be axed but a Burma Road finish will be added to the Whakapirau/Raukawa stage; and there be no separate U-15 grade. Please contact event director Wally Woods with enquiries
- The Club Tour will again feature on Summer programme and will be
promoted to CHB and Gisborne clubs.
- There was support for reciprocal events with Cycling CHB in the Summer
Series and we will be taking to CCHB about this.
and running Tour of the Bay was acknowledged.
- Hub Tour: 14, 15, 16 January 2011. The shape of the Hub Tour was
discussed and it was agreed to keep a criterium stage (venue to be confirmed); that the last stage up Burma be axed but a Burma Road finish will be added to the Whakapirau/Raukawa stage; and there be no separate U-15 grade. Please contact event director Wally Woods with enquiries
- The Club Tour will again feature on Summer programme and will be
promoted to CHB and Gisborne clubs.
- There was support for reciprocal events with Cycling CHB in the Summer
Series and we will be taking to CCHB about this.
Upcoming Local Events
14th -16th January: EMC2 Hub 3 day Tour, contact race director Wally Woods
27th January: BR Turfrey Plumbers Tour de Beautiful CHB – Online entry form available here
27th January: BR Turfrey Plumbers Tour de Beautiful CHB – Online entry form available here
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Online Certificates for Tour of The Bay
When you click on the link below you will be able to search for your Tour of the Bay results. Once these are showing please click on your bib number to take you to your certificate options. You may also use the search criteria to narrow down your search. To print your certificate, simply click on the "View ad Print" button to view, then "Print" again to send it to your printer.
Don't have a colour printer? You can right click on your certificate & choose 'Email Picture' to email it to a friend who can print it for you, or you can choose to purchase an A4 laminated certificate which we will post to you ($12.50 including freight).
Please click on the following link to access your certificate:
Tour of the Bay Results and Certificates
Don't have a colour printer? You can right click on your certificate & choose 'Email Picture' to email it to a friend who can print it for you, or you can choose to purchase an A4 laminated certificate which we will post to you ($12.50 including freight).
Please click on the following link to access your certificate:
Tour of the Bay Results and Certificates
Friday, November 12, 2010
Saturday Race 13th November 2010
Race Circuit: Taihape/Crownthorpe Settlement Road
Venue: Pukehamoamoa School
Registration: from 1pm (pay your $3 and be registered before your race start) Race start time: 2pm Race Starter: Tony Hartley Race Day Emergency Phone: 0274266895
Thanks to Helen MacKenzie who compiles these info bulletins
Venue: Pukehamoamoa School
Registration: from 1pm (pay your $3 and be registered before your race start) Race start time: 2pm Race Starter: Tony Hartley Race Day Emergency Phone: 0274266895
Thanks to Helen MacKenzie who compiles these info bulletins
Reminder: Renew your Club/Centre/National/International Licence
Renew your club, centre, national or international licence “on-line” in a simple and time efficient manner. Your licence will then be posted out to you.
You should have received an email and an invitation from BikeNZ and Ramblers Cycling club to renew your club membership and licence online. The email will have a your username and password to log in here
The same link can be used for a new membership.
You should have received an email and an invitation from BikeNZ and Ramblers Cycling club to renew your club membership and licence online. The email will have a your username and password to log in here
The same link can be used for a new membership.
Commuter Challenge is back! Monday 15th November A note from Vicki Butterworth, BikeNZ Regional Coodinator
Are you ready to get on your BIKE? Welcome back all you cycle commuters! And I hope to meet some new ones too. Thank you for supporting this fantastic cycling promotion, to get more people cycling to work in Napier. I know that we are all very busy people and you often get called upon to support your community in many ways, so a big Thank you for supporting this fantastic cycling event also! Remember this is good for you too!
Chris and I both look forward to working with you in the month of November to make the 2010 BikeNZ Napier Commuter Cycle Challenge a success again. There will be many benefits for your business, your employees and your communities – some that you may not have realised yet. I look forward to sharing them again as we ride our way through the challenge.
Ramblers members made their felt last year as they built on their base-training with a little breakfast. To pre-register yourself and your workmates please go to and fill in the registration form – just saves you filling in your details in the mornings. Remember it’s about you biking as much as possible over the 10 days! You have to bike at least 5 out of the 10 days to be into win the major prize. We again have a fantastic prize for some lucky commuter – a trip for two flying Air New Zealand to Dunedin, to ride the Otago Rail Trail with Trail Journeys! Mairee Abbot loved her trip last year – it could by your turn this time!
Day Business
Monday 15 Hawke’s Bay Regional Council, 159 Dalton Street, Napier
Tuesday 16 Soul Cycle Repairs, 60A Munroe Street, Napier
Wednesday 17 Heavens Bakery, Emerson Street, Napier
Thursday 18 FishBike, 26 Marine Parade, Pacific Surf Club, Napier
Friday 19 Cranked Cycles, 65 Thackery Street, Napier
Sat 20
Sun 21
Monday 22 Chris Tremains Electorate Office, 96 Station Street, Napier
Tuesday 23 Langley Twigg, 66 West Quay, Ahuriri
Wednesday 24 Kathmandu, Dickens Street, Napier
Thursday 25 Bennett & Pearson Optometrists, 7 Carlyle Street, Napier
Friday 26 HB Today, 39 Tennyson Street, Napier
Chris and I both look forward to working with you in the month of November to make the 2010 BikeNZ Napier Commuter Cycle Challenge a success again. There will be many benefits for your business, your employees and your communities – some that you may not have realised yet. I look forward to sharing them again as we ride our way through the challenge.
Ramblers members made their felt last year as they built on their base-training with a little breakfast. To pre-register yourself and your workmates please go to and fill in the registration form – just saves you filling in your details in the mornings. Remember it’s about you biking as much as possible over the 10 days! You have to bike at least 5 out of the 10 days to be into win the major prize. We again have a fantastic prize for some lucky commuter – a trip for two flying Air New Zealand to Dunedin, to ride the Otago Rail Trail with Trail Journeys! Mairee Abbot loved her trip last year – it could by your turn this time!
Day Business
Monday 15 Hawke’s Bay Regional Council, 159 Dalton Street, Napier
Tuesday 16 Soul Cycle Repairs, 60A Munroe Street, Napier
Wednesday 17 Heavens Bakery, Emerson Street, Napier
Thursday 18 FishBike, 26 Marine Parade, Pacific Surf Club, Napier
Friday 19 Cranked Cycles, 65 Thackery Street, Napier
Sat 20
Sun 21
Monday 22 Chris Tremains Electorate Office, 96 Station Street, Napier
Tuesday 23 Langley Twigg, 66 West Quay, Ahuriri
Wednesday 24 Kathmandu, Dickens Street, Napier
Thursday 25 Bennett & Pearson Optometrists, 7 Carlyle Street, Napier
Friday 26 HB Today, 39 Tennyson Street, Napier
SPARC Roadshow: 24th November 2010
Peter Miskimin, CEO of SPARC will front this year’s roadshow presentation with various SPARC senior members of staff. This session will detail SPARC’s future direction and will also provide opportunities for you to comment, ask questions and raise any concerns affecting sport sectors (like cycling!!).
Be there 2pm-4:30pm at the Lady Pettigrew Arena if you want to have your say.
Be there 2pm-4:30pm at the Lady Pettigrew Arena if you want to have your say.
Let’s Bike Black White: Unison Velodrome Hawkes Bay
A reminder to support Hawke’s Bay’s bid for the next covered velodrome in Aotearoa New Zealand with the “Let’s Bike Black White” campaign. The aim of the “Let’s Bike” campaign is to clock up 37,500 kilometres - the equivalent of 150,000 laps of a velodrome (a lap for everyone that lives in Hawkes Bay). You can donate your entire cycling kilometres for the next 3 months to the Let’s Bike Black White campaign.
Email to register.
More details available at this URL
Email to register.
More details available at this URL
Heart Children Sponsorship: Round Taupo Challenge
Glen Horrocks is riding the Lake Taupo Cycle Challenge for the first time ever and secided to make it a ride for the 'Heart Children'
as well.
If you would like to support Glen and also the “Heart Children”, you can make a donation at
as well.
If you would like to support Glen and also the “Heart Children”, you can make a donation at
Another Sunday Bunch… not so intense… from Hastings
There is a group who leave from the Mayfair Shops Carpark (corner of Frederick St and Karamu Road) They leave at 8am on Sundays and will be move from 50km rides to 80km rides. This is ideal for the not so competitive riders.
If you are interested in this group contact Julie and Shane Harrison for more information
Note From Ed: By not so intense - average speeds under 25km/hr the other Hastings group leaving from outside Rebel Sport rides between 27 - 30km outward journey sometimes faster return.
If you are interested in this group contact Julie and Shane Harrison for more information
Note From Ed: By not so intense - average speeds under 25km/hr the other Hastings group leaving from outside Rebel Sport rides between 27 - 30km outward journey sometimes faster return.
New Kids On The Block: HB BMX Club
We officially have another discipline represented by it’s own club in the Bay… here is information from their first newsletter.
The Romanes Drive BMX Practice Track in Havelock North is ready to go.
Club Practice Nights will be held on Wednesday evenings, with the inaugural meet on Wednesday 17th November, 6-7:30pm (Romanes Drive, Havelock North ) You can join Club-Coach John Smith, a previous New Zealand BMX champion, to find out how to set up your bike and what it takes to be a top BMX racer.
For more information about the club, email To get your BMX racing licence, Click Here
The Romanes Drive BMX Practice Track in Havelock North is ready to go.
Club Practice Nights will be held on Wednesday evenings, with the inaugural meet on Wednesday 17th November, 6-7:30pm (Romanes Drive, Havelock North ) You can join Club-Coach John Smith, a previous New Zealand BMX champion, to find out how to set up your bike and what it takes to be a top BMX racer.
For more information about the club, email To get your BMX racing licence, Click Here
Upcoming events around the country
20th November: Hamilton City Cycling Club Open and Fun Ride
21st November: Hampton Downs Cycling Festival
25th November: 10 Mile Scratch Race - Taupo Cycling Club will present the first 10 mile Scratch Race at the Taupo Velodrome on the Thursday prior to the epic Lake Taupo Cycle Challenge.
27th November: Round Taupo Challenge (The Avanti Men’s 160km Classic is part of the Contact Lake Taupo Cycle Challenge with $5,000 in prize money up for grabs)
7th -9th December: Festival of Speed, Invercargill. 3 day track carnival includes the 2011 Madison National Championship
10th December: 2011 Criterium National Championship, in Auckland and run with the Takapuna Grand Prix
7th -9th January: 2011 RaboDirect Elite Road National Championship, Christchurch
27th January: BR Turfrey Plumbers Tour de Beautiful CHB – Online entry form available here
12th -13th February: Morrinsville Womens Tour 2011
13th -19th February 2011: Lion Foundation Wellington to Auckland Cycle Challenge.
21st November: Hampton Downs Cycling Festival
25th November: 10 Mile Scratch Race - Taupo Cycling Club will present the first 10 mile Scratch Race at the Taupo Velodrome on the Thursday prior to the epic Lake Taupo Cycle Challenge.
27th November: Round Taupo Challenge (The Avanti Men’s 160km Classic is part of the Contact Lake Taupo Cycle Challenge with $5,000 in prize money up for grabs)
7th -9th December: Festival of Speed, Invercargill. 3 day track carnival includes the 2011 Madison National Championship
10th December: 2011 Criterium National Championship, in Auckland and run with the Takapuna Grand Prix
7th -9th January: 2011 RaboDirect Elite Road National Championship, Christchurch
27th January: BR Turfrey Plumbers Tour de Beautiful CHB – Online entry form available here
12th -13th February: Morrinsville Womens Tour 2011
13th -19th February 2011: Lion Foundation Wellington to Auckland Cycle Challenge.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Ramblers Feature in Ridestrong Ranking Series
Helped a little by The Tour of the Bay being one of the early races in the RaboDirect RideStrong Ranking Series Ramblers riders are prominent in the points
Mens Ranking
Bruce Herron 1st
Kent Wilson 2nd
Fraser Gough/Saul Webb 7th
Sernea Sheridan 2nd
Ashleigh Neave 3rd
Sue Tunnicliff 10th
Megan Watson 11th
Check it out
or follow on facebook RaboDirect-RideStrong-Ranking-Series
Mens Ranking
Bruce Herron 1st
Kent Wilson 2nd
Fraser Gough/Saul Webb 7th
Sernea Sheridan 2nd
Ashleigh Neave 3rd
Sue Tunnicliff 10th
Megan Watson 11th
Check it out
or follow on facebook RaboDirect-RideStrong-Ranking-Series
Friday, November 5, 2010
Black White Let's Bike
Re Unison Velodrome
By now you will have seen that Hawke’s Bay has officially launched its bid for the next covered velodrome. The launch of Black White Lets Bike was undertaken with the support of Ali Shanks gold medallist and Westley Gough silver medallist at the recent Commonwealth Games.
Both have been long term supporters for the velodrome to be built in Hawke’s Bay.
We need your help to show our regional support for the velodrome. Our aim is to clock up 37,500 kilometres - the equivalent of 150,000 laps (a lap for everyone that lives in HB).
We would like you to donate your entire training/racing km for the next 3 months.
This is very simple to register either:
• Use the attached forms for recording your km and please email into us monthly.
• Or email to register your name and current reading on your bike computer (as at 22 October if possible) and gives us an update reading at the end of the month and we will do the rest.
We will even email a reminder. If you do not have access to an email please give either Robert Oliver or Ivan a call.
Feel free to check out the website
We also have a number of other activities planned and if you would like to be more actively involved – gives either Robert Oliver or Ivan Aplin a call.
Gavin Bush
Ramblers CC chairman
Ivan Aplin
HB velodrome Chairman
By now you will have seen that Hawke’s Bay has officially launched its bid for the next covered velodrome. The launch of Black White Lets Bike was undertaken with the support of Ali Shanks gold medallist and Westley Gough silver medallist at the recent Commonwealth Games.
Both have been long term supporters for the velodrome to be built in Hawke’s Bay.
We need your help to show our regional support for the velodrome. Our aim is to clock up 37,500 kilometres - the equivalent of 150,000 laps (a lap for everyone that lives in HB).
We would like you to donate your entire training/racing km for the next 3 months.
This is very simple to register either:
• Use the attached forms for recording your km and please email into us monthly.
• Or email to register your name and current reading on your bike computer (as at 22 October if possible) and gives us an update reading at the end of the month and we will do the rest.
We will even email a reminder. If you do not have access to an email please give either Robert Oliver or Ivan a call.
Feel free to check out the website
We also have a number of other activities planned and if you would like to be more actively involved – gives either Robert Oliver or Ivan Aplin a call.
Gavin Bush
Ramblers CC chairman
Ivan Aplin
HB velodrome Chairman
Saturday Race 6th November 2010
Please pre-register by emailing Ken at
Please state your NAME and your CURRENT GRADE in the body of the email.
Start lists (including start times) will be online on Friday evening.
Race Circuit: Moteo/Swamp Road
NO Venue
Registration: from 1pm (pay your $3 and be registered before your race start) Race start time: 2pm Race Starter: Rob Oliver Race Day Emergency Phone: 0274266895
This race is an Individual Time Trial.
You race the clock on your own – NO drafting allowed.
Please note change in venue. We will NOT be using Puketapu School.
Sign in on Moteo Road.
Toilets available at Puketapu Domain on Dartmoor Road.
Please pre-register by emailing Ken at
Please state your NAME and your CURRENT GRADE in the body of the email.
Start lists (including start times) will be online on Friday evening.
Race Circuit: Moteo/Swamp Road
NO Venue
Registration: from 1pm (pay your $3 and be registered before your race start) Race start time: 2pm Race Starter: Rob Oliver Race Day Emergency Phone: 0274266895
This race is an Individual Time Trial.
You race the clock on your own – NO drafting allowed.
Please note change in venue. We will NOT be using Puketapu School.
Sign in on Moteo Road.
Toilets available at Puketapu Domain on Dartmoor Road.
Black White Let’s Bike: Unison Velodrome Hawkes Bay
Recently Hawke’s Bay officially launched a bid for the next covered velodrome in Aotearoa New Zealand. This was supported by many prominent people including Commonwealth Games medallists, Ali Shanks and Westley Gough.
It is now time to show our regional support for the velodrome. The aim of the “Let’s Bike” campaign is to clock up 37,500 kilometres - the equivalent of 150,000 laps of a velodrome (a lap for everyone that lives in Hawkes Bay).
You can donate your entire cycling kilometres for the next 3 months to the Black White Let’s Bike campaign. Use the attached form for recording your individual kilometres or email to register your name and current reading on your bike (if you have kept records you can start your cycling kilometres from 22nd October.
More details available at
It is now time to show our regional support for the velodrome. The aim of the “Let’s Bike” campaign is to clock up 37,500 kilometres - the equivalent of 150,000 laps of a velodrome (a lap for everyone that lives in Hawkes Bay).
You can donate your entire cycling kilometres for the next 3 months to the Black White Let’s Bike campaign. Use the attached form for recording your individual kilometres or email to register your name and current reading on your bike (if you have kept records you can start your cycling kilometres from 22nd October.
More details available at
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Saturday Race ITT 6th November 2010
Race Circuit: Moteo/Swamp Road
Venue afterwards: Puketapu School
Registration: from 1pm (pay your $3 and be registered before your race start) Race start time: 2pm Race Starter: Rob Oliver Race Day Emergency Phone: 0274266895
This race is an Individual Time Trial.
You race the clock on your own – NO drafting allowed.
Please pre-register by emailing Ken at
Please state your NAME and your CURRENT GRADE in the body of the email.
Venue afterwards: Puketapu School
Registration: from 1pm (pay your $3 and be registered before your race start) Race start time: 2pm Race Starter: Rob Oliver Race Day Emergency Phone: 0274266895
This race is an Individual Time Trial.
You race the clock on your own – NO drafting allowed.
Please pre-register by emailing Ken at
Please state your NAME and your CURRENT GRADE in the body of the email.
Jeremy Yates in Yellow after Bluff
Jeremy Yates finished first on the demanding Bluff Hill to take stage 2 and the Yellow jersey in the Tour of Southland, his Share The Road team mate Jack Bauer is 2nd at 0:02 and Hayden Roulston (Calder Stewart-BikeNZ National)3rd at 0:30 at the end of Day one. Click here for full results and race commentary
Change in Administration
As some of you may know, there has been a change in the way Ramblers administration is happening now. We offer congratulations to Vicki Butterworth who now works under the auspices of BikeNZ - Vicki is the contact person for BikeHB and up until October had been contracted to complete a significant amount of administration for Ramblers. This work is now being reallocated.
The most obvious change for everyday members will be that the email is being cleared by member Helen MacKenzie. Helen may respond to you directly or may forward your email to the appropriate committee member.
The most obvious change for everyday members will be that the email is being cleared by member Helen MacKenzie. Helen may respond to you directly or may forward your email to the appropriate committee member.
Upcoming events around the country
1st -6th November: Tour of Southland
7th November: Tour de Manawatu: 25/40/80/116 km options
20th November: Hamilton City Cycling Club Open and Fun Ride
21st November: Hampton Downs Cycling Festival
25th November: 10 Mile Scratch Race - Taupo Cycling Club will present the first 10 mile Scratch Race at the Taupo Velodrome on the Thursday prior to the epic Lake Taupo Cycle Challenge.
27th November: Round Taupo Challenge (The Avanti Men’s 160km Classic is part of the Contact Lake Taupo Cycle Challenge with $5,000 in prize money up for grabs)
7th -9th December: Festival of Speed, Invercargill. 3 day track carnival includes the 2011 Madison National Championship
10th December: 2011 Criterium National Championship, in Auckland and run with the Takapuna Grand Prix
7th -9th January: 2011 RaboDirect Elite Road National Championship, Christchurch
27th January: Bill Turfrey Plumbers Tour de Beautiful CHB
12th -13th February: Morrinsville Womens Tour 2011
13th -19th February 2011: Lion Foundation Wellington to Auckland Cycle Challenge.
7th November: Tour de Manawatu: 25/40/80/116 km options
20th November: Hamilton City Cycling Club Open and Fun Ride
21st November: Hampton Downs Cycling Festival
25th November: 10 Mile Scratch Race - Taupo Cycling Club will present the first 10 mile Scratch Race at the Taupo Velodrome on the Thursday prior to the epic Lake Taupo Cycle Challenge.
27th November: Round Taupo Challenge (The Avanti Men’s 160km Classic is part of the Contact Lake Taupo Cycle Challenge with $5,000 in prize money up for grabs)
7th -9th December: Festival of Speed, Invercargill. 3 day track carnival includes the 2011 Madison National Championship
10th December: 2011 Criterium National Championship, in Auckland and run with the Takapuna Grand Prix
7th -9th January: 2011 RaboDirect Elite Road National Championship, Christchurch
27th January: Bill Turfrey Plumbers Tour de Beautiful CHB
12th -13th February: Morrinsville Womens Tour 2011
13th -19th February 2011: Lion Foundation Wellington to Auckland Cycle Challenge.
Interested in Being a Race Starter?
Thank you to those who have already expressed an interest in supporting the club by being a race-starter. The committee is still interested to hear from those who are interested in this… or in other areas you think you can support the club. You don’t have to be on the committee to help keep the club a success Please email expressions of interest to or talk to one of your committee.
Monday, November 1, 2010
Ramblers clean up Coromandel
Jeremy Yates continued his affair with the K2 elite race taking his 4th straight victory in a tough race made harder by wind and rain (5:08:13) Fraser Gough had a great ride also in the elite race finishing in 5:14:07 6th overall and 2nd U23 having temporarily got off the bike early on the way to the finish and needing stitches to his elbow at the end of the race.
Serena Sheridan not to be outdone took the elite womans K1 event in 2:34:45 with fellow Rambler Haylie Davis finishing 9th 2:39:29.
Other Rambers Rides:
In the K2 event Saul Webb (ex Rambler now in Rotorua) 1st 5:31:40, Ex B Grader Bruce Herron 17th Overall and 10th in 35-44yrs division 5:37:59, Gary Hall 5:39:53 , Darryl Strachan 5:51:11 6th M45-54, T Taufale 5:59:41, Kent Wilson 6:00:44, Gavin Scoble 7:01:41,
In the EMC 150km event Jon Prescott 9th in 4:19:42
view full article on K2 website
Full results here
Serena Sheridan not to be outdone took the elite womans K1 event in 2:34:45 with fellow Rambler Haylie Davis finishing 9th 2:39:29.
Other Rambers Rides:
In the K2 event Saul Webb (ex Rambler now in Rotorua) 1st 5:31:40, Ex B Grader Bruce Herron 17th Overall and 10th in 35-44yrs division 5:37:59, Gary Hall 5:39:53 , Darryl Strachan 5:51:11 6th M45-54, T Taufale 5:59:41, Kent Wilson 6:00:44, Gavin Scoble 7:01:41,
In the EMC 150km event Jon Prescott 9th in 4:19:42
view full article on K2 website
Full results here
Kerry Race Report 8
Last day and its all over at the worlds.
Qualified second in my heat for the final in the points race, which maybe suggests that I did more work than I needed to.
Points final was really fast, I got off the front once for a lap or so but lots of fast guys in the pack. Struggled in the pack for a bit and then just the same as nationals I puntured up the top of the banking. Fortunately just like nationals I managed to bring the bike down the track and was caught before I brought myself or someone else down, ( I lock myself into the pedals).
Back into the race my replacement wheel had a smaller back cog so I was undergeared and staying in the pack was basically my best result (apart from staying upright) I missed a crash and that was the race.
All a bit disappointing really
Just before I send this off I note that the Russian who went down in our race pile up, limped past, he looks in a bad way. Also earlier on British legend and smoker Dave Legrys was carried out of the velodrome on a strecher not to be seen again, after his races pile up, so I suppose it could be worse.
Qualified second in my heat for the final in the points race, which maybe suggests that I did more work than I needed to.
Points final was really fast, I got off the front once for a lap or so but lots of fast guys in the pack. Struggled in the pack for a bit and then just the same as nationals I puntured up the top of the banking. Fortunately just like nationals I managed to bring the bike down the track and was caught before I brought myself or someone else down, ( I lock myself into the pedals).
Back into the race my replacement wheel had a smaller back cog so I was undergeared and staying in the pack was basically my best result (apart from staying upright) I missed a crash and that was the race.
All a bit disappointing really
Just before I send this off I note that the Russian who went down in our race pile up, limped past, he looks in a bad way. Also earlier on British legend and smoker Dave Legrys was carried out of the velodrome on a strecher not to be seen again, after his races pile up, so I suppose it could be worse.
Kerry Harford Race Report 7
I am writing this while waiting for my qualifying run for the sprint events. We get to circle the track 3 times and are timed over the last 200m to seed for the sprint draw. Heaps of big motors (guts) on the ageing sprinters, not too much road work has gone on here. There are some seriously big guys, with seriously big legs racing today and I feel that if my New Zealand skinsuit wasn't so tight I would chuck a pillow down my front so I might blend in a bit more. I note over in the French compound that they have a pair of silver back gorilla's in French skinsuits warming up on the rollers.
Behind us the German squad is warming up and one of their sprinters in my age group is Michael Hubner who I recall was a multi gold medal Olympian from the old East German “ chemically adventurous” days, interesting to see how he goes now.
I had the final of the 10 km scratch race last night and was hoping to do well. Qualifying went well as I stole a lap on the field with the South African world pursuit champion and was able to just sit in to the finish. Unfortunately in the final I wasted heaps of energy in bridging or working in doomed breaks and when what was left of the field came back together with three laps to go a couple of Frenchmen who had sat in the whole race won the sprint. Risky tactic sitting doing nothing, as the race was very aggressive but they called it right and virtually the rest of us were too stuffed to counter the idle French strikers.
We share our compound with Japan. In the scratch race after mine the Japanese rider rode off the front near the end and while the top guys watched each other totally ignoring him he managed to stay away for the win. With a 10km scratch race you got to take your chance as the speed is so high you don't really get a chance to recover, think about things and go again.
Have now qualified for the last 16 in the sprint, did a 12.2 second 200m at 58.5kph.
British multi world champion legend Dave LeGrys is here as always. I noticed him last year just before his 500m tt. He was fired up like nothing I had seen before. He almost ripped out the start gate when he took off and barely was able to control his bike round the turns before breaking his own world record, but that wasn't the impressive bit. After I headed outside of the Sydney stadium to get some food, there was Dave quietly puffing up before the medal ceremony, as the velodrome was non smoking, as I said a legend.
Failed in my bid for sprint glory in the first round against some American. Have beaten Hubner as he didn't turn up.
Racing has been delayed a couple of times as the rain in Spain and for that matter Portugal has been falling mainly through the velodrome roof. This brand new structure leaks worse than a sieve and sort of sums up this area of Portugal, no one knows why it is here or what drives the local economy. It is quite run down and the locals don't exist. One thing it can boast over Hawkes Bay apart from a velodrome is a very busy and very fast rail network. We hear the trains but they are gone before you see them, perhaps once the fast passenger trains started running the locals bailed.
Behind us the German squad is warming up and one of their sprinters in my age group is Michael Hubner who I recall was a multi gold medal Olympian from the old East German “ chemically adventurous” days, interesting to see how he goes now.
I had the final of the 10 km scratch race last night and was hoping to do well. Qualifying went well as I stole a lap on the field with the South African world pursuit champion and was able to just sit in to the finish. Unfortunately in the final I wasted heaps of energy in bridging or working in doomed breaks and when what was left of the field came back together with three laps to go a couple of Frenchmen who had sat in the whole race won the sprint. Risky tactic sitting doing nothing, as the race was very aggressive but they called it right and virtually the rest of us were too stuffed to counter the idle French strikers.
We share our compound with Japan. In the scratch race after mine the Japanese rider rode off the front near the end and while the top guys watched each other totally ignoring him he managed to stay away for the win. With a 10km scratch race you got to take your chance as the speed is so high you don't really get a chance to recover, think about things and go again.
Have now qualified for the last 16 in the sprint, did a 12.2 second 200m at 58.5kph.
British multi world champion legend Dave LeGrys is here as always. I noticed him last year just before his 500m tt. He was fired up like nothing I had seen before. He almost ripped out the start gate when he took off and barely was able to control his bike round the turns before breaking his own world record, but that wasn't the impressive bit. After I headed outside of the Sydney stadium to get some food, there was Dave quietly puffing up before the medal ceremony, as the velodrome was non smoking, as I said a legend.
Failed in my bid for sprint glory in the first round against some American. Have beaten Hubner as he didn't turn up.
Racing has been delayed a couple of times as the rain in Spain and for that matter Portugal has been falling mainly through the velodrome roof. This brand new structure leaks worse than a sieve and sort of sums up this area of Portugal, no one knows why it is here or what drives the local economy. It is quite run down and the locals don't exist. One thing it can boast over Hawkes Bay apart from a velodrome is a very busy and very fast rail network. We hear the trains but they are gone before you see them, perhaps once the fast passenger trains started running the locals bailed.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Kerry Harford Race Report 6
Hi All
Free wifi at the velodrome so this is hot off the press. News is all bad. The TT was good, lowered my PB by a second and generally went well coming 13th which was the first half of the field. This was used as a good hitout for the pursuit this morning NZ time.
The pursuit wasn't very good, 5th the same as last year but the time was very slow 3.39, way below what I had been training at and way below my PB, and I am not sure quite why. Rode Ok but needed a calendar to time myself, lost two seconds on the last lap when I thought I was lifting the pace.
As a positive I will now be able to watch the soaps on TV tonight with all german dubbing.
Free wifi at the velodrome so this is hot off the press. News is all bad. The TT was good, lowered my PB by a second and generally went well coming 13th which was the first half of the field. This was used as a good hitout for the pursuit this morning NZ time.
The pursuit wasn't very good, 5th the same as last year but the time was very slow 3.39, way below what I had been training at and way below my PB, and I am not sure quite why. Rode Ok but needed a calendar to time myself, lost two seconds on the last lap when I thought I was lifting the pace.
As a positive I will now be able to watch the soaps on TV tonight with all german dubbing.
Saturday Race 30th October 2010
Race Circuit: Tuki Valley
Venue: Haumoana School
Registration: from 1pm (pay your $3 and be registered before your race start) Race start time: 2pm Race Starter: Gavin Bush and Don Kennedy Race Day Emergency Phone: 0274266895
Venue: Haumoana School
Registration: from 1pm (pay your $3 and be registered before your race start) Race start time: 2pm Race Starter: Gavin Bush and Don Kennedy Race Day Emergency Phone: 0274266895
Interested in Being a Race Starter?
One of things we all love about Ramblers is that we are able to race all year round… on almost EVERY Saturday we can join a club race.
This does mean that we need volunteers as race starters for every weekend.
Sometimes our hard working committee need a break.
If you are interested in being a race starter, please let us know. You will receive training and support and everyone in the club will be grateful to you.
Please email expressions of interest to or talk to one of your committee.
This does mean that we need volunteers as race starters for every weekend.
Sometimes our hard working committee need a break.
If you are interested in being a race starter, please let us know. You will receive training and support and everyone in the club will be grateful to you.
Please email expressions of interest to or talk to one of your committee.
B.R. Turfrey Plumbers Ltd Tour de Beautiful Central Hawkes Bay
It's that time of year again to take part in a beautiful and challenging fun ride catering for all abilities with different length courses through picturesque countryside in Central Hawkes Bay. Exciting spot prizes including the chance to win a new Ford Fiesta car. Entries will be excepted Saturday 4:00pm to 6:00pm and Sunday morning 7:30am to 8:30am at the CHB College Hall Svenson Rd.
Cut and paste this URL to enter online
Cut and paste this URL to enter online
Thanks again to our Committee
Monthly meetings, organising and running races and events, policies review and development, the logo and uniform, race programmes, liaising with other clubs, rider development; our committee do a lot of behind-the-scenes work to ensure Ramblers success.
Thank you Gavin Bush (Chair), Don Kennedy, Mark Coombe (Treasurer), Tony Hartley, Ken MacKenzie, Dean Clifford, Roy van Panhuys, Rob Oliver and Hilary Green (Club Captain) for your ongoing and often unseen work to enable the club to be the success it is.
Thank you Gavin Bush (Chair), Don Kennedy, Mark Coombe (Treasurer), Tony Hartley, Ken MacKenzie, Dean Clifford, Roy van Panhuys, Rob Oliver and Hilary Green (Club Captain) for your ongoing and often unseen work to enable the club to be the success it is.
Message from Butch Allen
“I'm a Havelock North resident who has friends flying to NZ on the weekend of Dec 4-5 and are seeking to rent road bikes for a 100K scouting trip of the Ironman Taupo course. Obviously bike shops, don't rent road bikes but everyone recommended we contact Ramblers for suggestions. They are seeking two 58cm bikes and are very willing to rent, put down full value cash deposit, etc. but unfortunately cannot bring their own bikes for a myriad of reasons.”
If you are willing to help a couple of fellow bikers in need out, please contact Butch at
If you are willing to help a couple of fellow bikers in need out, please contact Butch at
Mountain Bike Workshops: 6-7 November
A reminder to those interested that there are still places available in workshops by Jacquie Phelan. All enquiries/applications/payments to attend these workshops can be posted to or dropped of to Vicki at BikeHB. Postal
Address: Bike HB, PO Box 7537, Taradale, Napier 4141 or in person to SportHB, Pettigrew Green Arena, Taradale.
Address: Bike HB, PO Box 7537, Taradale, Napier 4141 or in person to SportHB, Pettigrew Green Arena, Taradale.
Upcoming events around the country
30th October: K2
20th November: Hamilton City Cycling Club Open and Fun Ride.
21st November: Hampton Downs Cycling Festival.
27th November: Round Taupo Challenge
23 January 2011: Bill Turfrey Plumbers Tour de Beautiful Central Hawkes Bay
13-19 February 2011: Lion Foundation Wellington to Auckland Cycle Challenge.
26-27 March 2011: The Ultimo Central Hawkes Bay 2 Day Junior Tour
20th November: Hamilton City Cycling Club Open and Fun Ride.
21st November: Hampton Downs Cycling Festival.
27th November: Round Taupo Challenge
23 January 2011: Bill Turfrey Plumbers Tour de Beautiful Central Hawkes Bay
13-19 February 2011: Lion Foundation Wellington to Auckland Cycle Challenge.
26-27 March 2011: The Ultimo Central Hawkes Bay 2 Day Junior Tour
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Fraser Gough in Pure Black Racing U23 Squad
Pure Black Racing has announced squads ahead of Tour of Southland next week.
Read full article
PureBlack Racing 2011 UCI US Continental Tour Squad
Glen Chadwick Captain
Michael Torckler
Daniel Barry
Michael Northey
Scott Lyttle
James Williamson
Roman Van Uden
Shem Rodger
Taylor Gunman
Mark Langlands
James McCoy
PureBlack Racing U23 and U19 Squad
Scott Creighton U23
Fraser Gough U23
James Oram U23
Dion Smith U23
Nick Sutton U23
Nick Hand U23
James Northey U19
Alex Ray U19
Offical Pure Black Racing Website (Click on splash page to enter)
Read full article
PureBlack Racing 2011 UCI US Continental Tour Squad
Glen Chadwick Captain
Michael Torckler
Daniel Barry
Michael Northey
Scott Lyttle
James Williamson
Roman Van Uden
Shem Rodger
Taylor Gunman
Mark Langlands
James McCoy
PureBlack Racing U23 and U19 Squad
Scott Creighton U23
Fraser Gough U23
James Oram U23
Dion Smith U23
Nick Sutton U23
Nick Hand U23
James Northey U19
Alex Ray U19
Offical Pure Black Racing Website (Click on splash page to enter)
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Kerry Race Report 4
Bit of racing going on here. The Final of the European stayers Championships was exciting to watch. The Swiss won but the papers claimed the Germans where paid to take a dive and the Swiss winner didn't like the crowds attitude, I was there and it all looked above board to me. Eight stayer motorbikes with riders roaring round Alkmaar track was an impressive site, the final was a one hour race at speeds of around 70kph, both stayer and riders looked pretty sore at the finish.
Our turn to race on Tuesday night. I raced the open omnium consisting of points, scratch, miss and out, mystery distance and a race where only the first two across the line each lap get points. I seem to have made the mystery distance my specialist event, sadly it is not on the World champs program next week. I came third in the omnium, which is an overall for the five events. There was a couple of races on the program for stayers. I resisted the temptation to enter, anyway I didn't bring my stayer bike over to Europe.
Also spent a night at the Amsterdam six day event. Six days of track racing under disco lights and DJs stirring the crowd up. At half time we were even “entertained” by some short fat Dutchman who sang songs about Amsterdam and windmills. Anyway the riders played up to the crowd, in the sprint events the Dutch cleaned out the American team and lots of beer and frites were consumed.
You had to be impressed by the skill level displayed by the riders, the interesting thing was a few of the riders are the same ones I train with on Thursday nights group sessions, young kids get to train and interact with the stars of the sport which can only be inspiring to them. I have no idea how it is possible to to hear riders attacking or communicate between teams when Lady Ga Ga is doing her thing over the speaker system.
I have been listening to a lot of Irish Folk & Country music lately. Its not that I enjoy it or even can stomach it, its what Mrs Hopman puts on the stereo. I suspect that she does this to get me out of the house, and I have to admit that after half an hour of hearing about the green fields of Ireland I'm only too happy to head out into the wind, rain and cold weather and ride my bike for hours.
John Cleese once said of Palmerston North that he thoroughly recommended going there if you were contemplating suicide but lacked that final push to end it all. I now can offer a cheaper alternative than driving all that way through the Gorge, and all for the cost of a simple CD.
Of course I understand that some people do enjoy this type of music and I don't wish to offend anyone but there is a lucrative market out there that can be exploited and I have been thinking how to tap into this. The good news is that all these songs follow a rigid pattern with their lyrics, and it would appear that as long as you stick strictly to this pattern you can pretty much sit back and watch for the royalty checks to start appearing in your mail box. All songs sing of a poor orphaned blind Irish boy who gets deported on a convict ship to Australia, discovers when he gets there that the pub has no beer and then for no properly explained reason dies in prison. Its as simple as that.
So next time you feel a strange urge to marry your sister and move to Taranaki, write a country music song and make some money.
All Good here.
Our turn to race on Tuesday night. I raced the open omnium consisting of points, scratch, miss and out, mystery distance and a race where only the first two across the line each lap get points. I seem to have made the mystery distance my specialist event, sadly it is not on the World champs program next week. I came third in the omnium, which is an overall for the five events. There was a couple of races on the program for stayers. I resisted the temptation to enter, anyway I didn't bring my stayer bike over to Europe.
Also spent a night at the Amsterdam six day event. Six days of track racing under disco lights and DJs stirring the crowd up. At half time we were even “entertained” by some short fat Dutchman who sang songs about Amsterdam and windmills. Anyway the riders played up to the crowd, in the sprint events the Dutch cleaned out the American team and lots of beer and frites were consumed.
You had to be impressed by the skill level displayed by the riders, the interesting thing was a few of the riders are the same ones I train with on Thursday nights group sessions, young kids get to train and interact with the stars of the sport which can only be inspiring to them. I have no idea how it is possible to to hear riders attacking or communicate between teams when Lady Ga Ga is doing her thing over the speaker system.
I have been listening to a lot of Irish Folk & Country music lately. Its not that I enjoy it or even can stomach it, its what Mrs Hopman puts on the stereo. I suspect that she does this to get me out of the house, and I have to admit that after half an hour of hearing about the green fields of Ireland I'm only too happy to head out into the wind, rain and cold weather and ride my bike for hours.
John Cleese once said of Palmerston North that he thoroughly recommended going there if you were contemplating suicide but lacked that final push to end it all. I now can offer a cheaper alternative than driving all that way through the Gorge, and all for the cost of a simple CD.
Of course I understand that some people do enjoy this type of music and I don't wish to offend anyone but there is a lucrative market out there that can be exploited and I have been thinking how to tap into this. The good news is that all these songs follow a rigid pattern with their lyrics, and it would appear that as long as you stick strictly to this pattern you can pretty much sit back and watch for the royalty checks to start appearing in your mail box. All songs sing of a poor orphaned blind Irish boy who gets deported on a convict ship to Australia, discovers when he gets there that the pub has no beer and then for no properly explained reason dies in prison. Its as simple as that.
So next time you feel a strange urge to marry your sister and move to Taranaki, write a country music song and make some money.
All Good here.
Monday, October 25, 2010
Kerry Harford Race Report 5
Kerry's Report 4 seems to be lost in transit, will track down and post asap -
Training all done. Now a case of getting down to Portugal for the track familiarisation and then the racing which begins Tuesday the 26th. The program for me is; Tuesday 750m time trial, Wednesday 3000m pursuit heats and final, Thursday 10km scratch heats and final, Friday and Saturday is the sprints and last day is the 20km Points race heats and final. There is also the team sprints held throughout the week as well.
I'm really only interested in the “endurance” events, the pursuit, scratch and points races, with the other two on the program to keep me out of the Pub.
At one stage we were considering driving down to Portugal through Europe but that has been canned and we are taking the two hour flight. The drive would have been impossible anyway as the Communist surrender monkeys who are sometimes known to themselves as the French, are all on strike and there is no petrol to be bought at the pumps, hence you can't drive through France.
The idle French workers are all upset because the government has pointed out that the country is going broke, because everyone is on strike and do stuff all anyway if they did decide to check out what their workplace looks like from the inside. Not taking this provocative insult lying down, the workers decided their best option was to go on strike. Even the idle French farmers are out, some refusing to jump in their flash new tractors and go down to the bank to cash their European subsidy cheques for not planting maize or not planting grain.
The nation as a whole can now turn their attention to far more pressing things like working out ways to disqualify any foreign cyclist who dares finish ahead of the first Frenchman at the Tour. By my count that will probably be most of them. The only positive thing I can say about the French is that they helped clear some much needed wharf space in the Auckland harbour basin circa 1985.
I have been outside riding on the roads in Holland and it is slightly un-nerving. For a start the motorist seem “extremely reluctant” to kill you. Coming from New Zealand, the law that cars give way to bikes crossing the road on bike paths is disconcerting, as is their courtesy and willingness to share the road. Not that you really need to ride on the roads as hot mix bike paths are everywhere and are far smoother to ride than anything in NZ. A quarter of the sixteen million Dutch claim to ride their bikes every day so I guess that's a lot of votes.
The law here is that if a car bowls a cyclist its the cars fault unless proven otherwise. You can't have it always though, if a cyclist bowls a pedestrian its the cyclist fault unless proven otherwise, this makes a lot of sense.
Anyway am looking forward to the warmer weather and the delights of the home of Port.
All good here.
Training all done. Now a case of getting down to Portugal for the track familiarisation and then the racing which begins Tuesday the 26th. The program for me is; Tuesday 750m time trial, Wednesday 3000m pursuit heats and final, Thursday 10km scratch heats and final, Friday and Saturday is the sprints and last day is the 20km Points race heats and final. There is also the team sprints held throughout the week as well.
I'm really only interested in the “endurance” events, the pursuit, scratch and points races, with the other two on the program to keep me out of the Pub.
At one stage we were considering driving down to Portugal through Europe but that has been canned and we are taking the two hour flight. The drive would have been impossible anyway as the Communist surrender monkeys who are sometimes known to themselves as the French, are all on strike and there is no petrol to be bought at the pumps, hence you can't drive through France.
The idle French workers are all upset because the government has pointed out that the country is going broke, because everyone is on strike and do stuff all anyway if they did decide to check out what their workplace looks like from the inside. Not taking this provocative insult lying down, the workers decided their best option was to go on strike. Even the idle French farmers are out, some refusing to jump in their flash new tractors and go down to the bank to cash their European subsidy cheques for not planting maize or not planting grain.
The nation as a whole can now turn their attention to far more pressing things like working out ways to disqualify any foreign cyclist who dares finish ahead of the first Frenchman at the Tour. By my count that will probably be most of them. The only positive thing I can say about the French is that they helped clear some much needed wharf space in the Auckland harbour basin circa 1985.
I have been outside riding on the roads in Holland and it is slightly un-nerving. For a start the motorist seem “extremely reluctant” to kill you. Coming from New Zealand, the law that cars give way to bikes crossing the road on bike paths is disconcerting, as is their courtesy and willingness to share the road. Not that you really need to ride on the roads as hot mix bike paths are everywhere and are far smoother to ride than anything in NZ. A quarter of the sixteen million Dutch claim to ride their bikes every day so I guess that's a lot of votes.
The law here is that if a car bowls a cyclist its the cars fault unless proven otherwise. You can't have it always though, if a cyclist bowls a pedestrian its the cyclist fault unless proven otherwise, this makes a lot of sense.
Anyway am looking forward to the warmer weather and the delights of the home of Port.
All good here.
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Ramblers Steal Open Womens Silver at National Team Time Trials

The newly formed team of Ashleigh Neave, Hannah Van Kampen, Hayley Davis and Megan Watson had a great race to take the Silver Medal in today's Nationals Team Time Trials in Hamilton.

With one senior and 3 junior riders and having had only one practice ride they managed an average speed of just under 40km/hr over the 40km course and finished 1:40 behind the winners Counties Manakau (Rachel Larner, Toni Bradshaw, Marion Webb and Mel Bourke).
Bronze medal winners Te Awamutu Sports Cycling Clubs Laura Gretton, Brittany Thompson, Courtney Grenfell and Maddie Brunton finished 2:50 further back.
The Mens Open was won by Counties Manakau (Nick Lovegrove, Karl Murray, Aaron Strong and Gordon McCauley)who covered the 40km course in 50:48.88.
Ex Rambler David Joyce showed that he is coming back to form with his Forestland Wheelers Tokoroa team finishing first in the Masters 2 event.
Click Here for Full Results from BikeNZ
Thursday, October 21, 2010
SATURDAY RACE 23rd October 2010
Race Circuit: Clive Criterium
Venue: please note, this course has no venue so bring plenty of water, and please use public facilities in Clive Village
Registration: from 1pm (pay your $3 and be registered before your race start) Race briefing: on the line
Race start times:
G Grade: 1:15pm (15 minutes + 3 laps)
F Grade: 1:35pm (15 minutes + 3 laps)
E Grade: 1:55pm (20 minutes + 3 laps)
D Grade: 2:20pm (20 minutes + 3 laps)
C Grade: 2:45pm (20 minutes + 3 laps)
B Grade: 3:15pm (20 minutes + 3 laps)
A Grade: 3:45pm (20 minutes + 3 laps)
Race Starter: Ken Mackenzie
Race Day Emergency Phone: 0274266895
This race will be run as a true criterium. That is, first across the line wins.
There will be no sprint points.
Venue: please note, this course has no venue so bring plenty of water, and please use public facilities in Clive Village
Registration: from 1pm (pay your $3 and be registered before your race start) Race briefing: on the line
Race start times:
G Grade: 1:15pm (15 minutes + 3 laps)
F Grade: 1:35pm (15 minutes + 3 laps)
E Grade: 1:55pm (20 minutes + 3 laps)
D Grade: 2:20pm (20 minutes + 3 laps)
C Grade: 2:45pm (20 minutes + 3 laps)
B Grade: 3:15pm (20 minutes + 3 laps)
A Grade: 3:45pm (20 minutes + 3 laps)
Race Starter: Ken Mackenzie
Race Day Emergency Phone: 0274266895
This race will be run as a true criterium. That is, first across the line wins.
There will be no sprint points.
A lot of work goes into this event in the months preceding ‘the day’. Thanks to Vicki Butterworth of BikeHB and to Ramblers volunteer Ken MacKenzie who co-organised the event this year. Thanks to our committee, especially Gavin Bush for supporting them. Also particular thanks to all Ramblers members and families who assisted in the week before, or over the weekend.
With rider numbers equaling last year, you helped to make an enjoyable day for many people.
With rider numbers equaling last year, you helped to make an enjoyable day for many people.
Commonwealth Games gold medallist Alison Shanks and Hawke’s Bay’s silver medal winning cyclist Westley Gough will be the stars of the Hawke’s Bay A and P Show on Friday. The two shining lights of New Zealand cycling will be showing their support for the Hawke’s Bay Unison Velodrome bid by riding stationery training bikes and signing autographs at the MORE FM site from noon.
Hawke’s Bay Regional Sports Trust chair Lawrence Yule said it was extremely exciting to have the backing of Alison Shanks and Westley Gough, who had pledged their support for the Unison Velodrome bid before leaving for Delhi.
“We would encourage Hawke’s Bay people to come to the site to show their support for Alison and Westley and for the Velodrome bid.” Mr Yule said it would be the first opportunity for Hawke’s Bay fans to get a glimpse of the Commonwealth Games medals won by the two track cyclists.
Alison Shanks was the first athlete to win gold at the Games in Delhi, taking out the 3000m individual pursuit. Westley Gough won silver in the team pursuit.
While Westley was well known in the Bay, 27 year old Alison Shanks had also recently spent time here, spending a week training in Hawke’s Bay as part of her build up to overseas competition. Her partner and coach Craig Palmer is also originally from Hawke’s Bay. Mr Yule said the public campaign to show the decision makers that Hawke’s Bay is the most suitable place for the Velodrome will be revealed this Friday at the Show.
Mr Yule said Hawke’s Bay’s bid ticked all the boxes to be the home of a velodrome and “stands out” as the only suitable option and it was now important that the community showed its strong support. “Hawke’s Bay has the best climate, the best cycling terrain and cycling routes and two of the strongest cycling clubs in New Zealand. We now just need to show the Government that the people of Hawke’s Bay really want the Unison Velodrome,” he said.
Hawke’s Bay’s fundraising campaign is also ahead of the other regions’ bidding with over $4.5 million committed including $1m from Unison as naming rights sponsor. The Unison Velodrome is estimated to cost about $15m and will cater for riders from elite levels to recreational riders. It will be built to international specifications and the inner area will be used for netball, tennis and futsal. It is estimated that the Velodrome would generate $4.5 million in its first five years of operation.
Hawke’s Bay Regional Sports Trust chair Lawrence Yule said it was extremely exciting to have the backing of Alison Shanks and Westley Gough, who had pledged their support for the Unison Velodrome bid before leaving for Delhi.
“We would encourage Hawke’s Bay people to come to the site to show their support for Alison and Westley and for the Velodrome bid.” Mr Yule said it would be the first opportunity for Hawke’s Bay fans to get a glimpse of the Commonwealth Games medals won by the two track cyclists.
Alison Shanks was the first athlete to win gold at the Games in Delhi, taking out the 3000m individual pursuit. Westley Gough won silver in the team pursuit.
While Westley was well known in the Bay, 27 year old Alison Shanks had also recently spent time here, spending a week training in Hawke’s Bay as part of her build up to overseas competition. Her partner and coach Craig Palmer is also originally from Hawke’s Bay. Mr Yule said the public campaign to show the decision makers that Hawke’s Bay is the most suitable place for the Velodrome will be revealed this Friday at the Show.
Mr Yule said Hawke’s Bay’s bid ticked all the boxes to be the home of a velodrome and “stands out” as the only suitable option and it was now important that the community showed its strong support. “Hawke’s Bay has the best climate, the best cycling terrain and cycling routes and two of the strongest cycling clubs in New Zealand. We now just need to show the Government that the people of Hawke’s Bay really want the Unison Velodrome,” he said.
Hawke’s Bay’s fundraising campaign is also ahead of the other regions’ bidding with over $4.5 million committed including $1m from Unison as naming rights sponsor. The Unison Velodrome is estimated to cost about $15m and will cater for riders from elite levels to recreational riders. It will be built to international specifications and the inner area will be used for netball, tennis and futsal. It is estimated that the Velodrome would generate $4.5 million in its first five years of operation.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Shout out to Vicki from Fraser Kitt
Fraser wrote:
"This is a big shout out to Vicki for hosting yet another fantastic Tour of the Bay. Had a great time and even got time to take a couple of photos. flicker photo of 110km finish
"This is a big shout out to Vicki for hosting yet another fantastic Tour of the Bay. Had a great time and even got time to take a couple of photos. flicker photo of 110km finish
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Yunca Junior Tour of Southland (Fraser Gough)
Coming off a month of big miles in the legs and a recent 4th at Taupo Napier I ventured down to the City of Dreams, Invercargill. This year’s Yunca Junior Tour of Southland was a lot like last years, windy. But for most of the racing the weather held off and we got good, summer like conditions. I even got sunburnt which is unheard of in Invercargill! I won this tour last year in the under 17 age group and hoped to step up and win in my first year as an under 19.
Prologue: This was quite a fun stage in that the course was three laps of the Teratonga race track just south of Invercargill. The 7.8km prologue TT was run in dry but windy conditions which meant the twists and turns of the race track provided head winds, tail winds and a cross wind. It was a solid hit out and I came in 5th, 8seconds down on the U19 yellow jersey of local lad Dillon Bennett.
Stage 1, 80km: This stage suited me with its false flats and cross winds and after the small first circuit the stage continued through and did a larger loop which included a nice piece of false flat and a strong right to left wind, which was an ideal launching pad for a break to get away. I put the hammer down and the peloton split up and a lead group of six formed including the yellow. Having the afternoons 80km stage in mind I started to work the other guys, putting in a few attacks and stringing them out in the gutter! After hitting the front a bit soon coming into the sprint I just lead it out and cruised in a comfortable fifth looking forward to creating carnage that afternoon.
Stage 2, 80km: With the yellow jersey still on the back of the local boy, Bennett, and me sitting 8seconds back in fourth overall, I needed to make my move! This stage began from the famous Tuatapere, sited close to the southern coast and known for its atrocious weather. The weather was miraculously alright apart from a nasty crosswind which favoured me. The stage began and 10km’s out of town we hit the first section of cross wind . I thought I would give it a nudge sitting hard on the centreline driving the pace up to the 50’s and gradually squeezing the acid on to hurt the others. This proved to have worked 15km’s later when , after the intermediate sprint, I put in a strong attack and threw it in the gutter. When I saw the group had split I peeled off and started to lap it out with the 4 others who had made the junction. This refined group included the yellow jersey again! The group worked well at the start of the second lap and the gap starting increasing back to the main peloton with time check from the commasaire like 2 minutes 40.... 3minutes 30... With the yellow still in tow I thought I would use the little climb to see if I could shake him. We hit the climb and I took the front gradually increasing the pace and putting pressure on the yellow. I looked around and saw a face of pain which spurred me on to increase the pace even more. This was too much for him and he blew up big time (very happy!!) but there was still three guys left in the break with me so I got back to work .After the second intermediate sprint I put it in the gutter once more with about 10km to go and managed to drop another guy so that left the 3 of us battling it out in the wind. As we approached the finish we got a time check that was quite satisfying, 7minutes 45... Over the yellow who had regained with the main peloton. I smacked it up the finishing straight which led the other two to settle for the minor placings. This stage win put me in yellow with a 1 second lead over fellow breakaway companion Scott Creighton from Hamilton. With Bennett coming in 8 minutes later (happy face!).
Stage 3, 30 minute crit: This was the only staged that rained at this year’s tour. The tight inner city criterium mixed with the wet equalled a perfect place to get time back on the second placed Creighton who was hot on my heels 1 second behind. After about 5 laps or so I launched of the front of the peloton to chase down the two who were in the early break. I caught them after a lap or two and began working hard, dropping one of the original escapees. I came into the first corner and my bike slid out from underneath me but I regained control and looked down to discover a rear puncture. After creeping to the finish with a flat tyre I got a wheel and rejoined in the break. We continued to work well and put a tidy 30seconds over the bunch which put me in yellow by 31 seconds. Stoked.
Stage 4, 80Km: This was the final stage of this year’s Yunca Junior Tour of Southland and a stage where I had a jersey to defend. I stayed close to the front and out of trouble rolling through and keeping the pace up. A break went early which lasted 60km so I was relieved when that got pulled in 20km’s from the line. A few late attacks from Creighton had me on my toes but proved to be unsuccessful as I retained the yellow and won the tour!!
This was an awesome Tour which I will be back at next year, trying to win, and make it 3 in a row. I would just like to thank my parents for the plane ticket and all their support. Ollie, Brenda, Dan, Tony and Andy at THE HUB Hastings and Raisey’s Nutrition for their huge support!
Fraser Gough
Prologue: This was quite a fun stage in that the course was three laps of the Teratonga race track just south of Invercargill. The 7.8km prologue TT was run in dry but windy conditions which meant the twists and turns of the race track provided head winds, tail winds and a cross wind. It was a solid hit out and I came in 5th, 8seconds down on the U19 yellow jersey of local lad Dillon Bennett.
Stage 1, 80km: This stage suited me with its false flats and cross winds and after the small first circuit the stage continued through and did a larger loop which included a nice piece of false flat and a strong right to left wind, which was an ideal launching pad for a break to get away. I put the hammer down and the peloton split up and a lead group of six formed including the yellow. Having the afternoons 80km stage in mind I started to work the other guys, putting in a few attacks and stringing them out in the gutter! After hitting the front a bit soon coming into the sprint I just lead it out and cruised in a comfortable fifth looking forward to creating carnage that afternoon.
Stage 2, 80km: With the yellow jersey still on the back of the local boy, Bennett, and me sitting 8seconds back in fourth overall, I needed to make my move! This stage began from the famous Tuatapere, sited close to the southern coast and known for its atrocious weather. The weather was miraculously alright apart from a nasty crosswind which favoured me. The stage began and 10km’s out of town we hit the first section of cross wind . I thought I would give it a nudge sitting hard on the centreline driving the pace up to the 50’s and gradually squeezing the acid on to hurt the others. This proved to have worked 15km’s later when , after the intermediate sprint, I put in a strong attack and threw it in the gutter. When I saw the group had split I peeled off and started to lap it out with the 4 others who had made the junction. This refined group included the yellow jersey again! The group worked well at the start of the second lap and the gap starting increasing back to the main peloton with time check from the commasaire like 2 minutes 40.... 3minutes 30... With the yellow still in tow I thought I would use the little climb to see if I could shake him. We hit the climb and I took the front gradually increasing the pace and putting pressure on the yellow. I looked around and saw a face of pain which spurred me on to increase the pace even more. This was too much for him and he blew up big time (very happy!!) but there was still three guys left in the break with me so I got back to work .After the second intermediate sprint I put it in the gutter once more with about 10km to go and managed to drop another guy so that left the 3 of us battling it out in the wind. As we approached the finish we got a time check that was quite satisfying, 7minutes 45... Over the yellow who had regained with the main peloton. I smacked it up the finishing straight which led the other two to settle for the minor placings. This stage win put me in yellow with a 1 second lead over fellow breakaway companion Scott Creighton from Hamilton. With Bennett coming in 8 minutes later (happy face!).
Stage 3, 30 minute crit: This was the only staged that rained at this year’s tour. The tight inner city criterium mixed with the wet equalled a perfect place to get time back on the second placed Creighton who was hot on my heels 1 second behind. After about 5 laps or so I launched of the front of the peloton to chase down the two who were in the early break. I caught them after a lap or two and began working hard, dropping one of the original escapees. I came into the first corner and my bike slid out from underneath me but I regained control and looked down to discover a rear puncture. After creeping to the finish with a flat tyre I got a wheel and rejoined in the break. We continued to work well and put a tidy 30seconds over the bunch which put me in yellow by 31 seconds. Stoked.
Stage 4, 80Km: This was the final stage of this year’s Yunca Junior Tour of Southland and a stage where I had a jersey to defend. I stayed close to the front and out of trouble rolling through and keeping the pace up. A break went early which lasted 60km so I was relieved when that got pulled in 20km’s from the line. A few late attacks from Creighton had me on my toes but proved to be unsuccessful as I retained the yellow and won the tour!!
This was an awesome Tour which I will be back at next year, trying to win, and make it 3 in a row. I would just like to thank my parents for the plane ticket and all their support. Ollie, Brenda, Dan, Tony and Andy at THE HUB Hastings and Raisey’s Nutrition for their huge support!
Fraser Gough
Monday, October 18, 2010
Tour of the Bay Results
Many thanks to those who contributed to another great Tour of the Bay Day.
Results are now posted and can be downloaded Here
Results are now posted and can be downloaded Here
Kerry Harford (Race Report 3)
I have actually got a race report this time. On Monday we drove over to Apeldoorn for a night meeting on the track. The velodrome complex is very impressive and posters everywhere informed us that this was the venue for the track world champs in March 2011.
I raced open, and we had five events; points, scratch, miss and out, keirin heats and final and a mystery distance event. The first couple of races were ok as I was still finding my racing legs, but I improved throughout the evening. In my keirin heat everything was going fine when I got this huge hook that smacked my front wheel that sent me up the banking, I managed to stay upright and still qualified for the final. The guy who hooked me rode up beside me and patting me on the back and apologised, or so I think, he could have been telling me to eat splinters for all I knew. In one of the other heats a rider was disqualified for “dangerous riding” which I thought was almost impossible in a keirin, so the guy may have been covering his tracks.
We had the mystery distance race before the final and I can report that I won this most prestigious event. Ivar told me just to keep an eye on the guy with the bell. The commissionaire's stood round talking while we raced ignoring what was going on for ages. I went out on the attack with two others, who eventually had enough of being out the front and just as I was left out front by myself they rang the bell for the final lap. The bunch never caught me.
I made a mess of the keirin final, I drew place one which is the guy who has to catch and sit behind the motor bike for the first 1300 meters. The motor bike goes faster and faster until at 50kph and 700m to go the motorbike pulls down and the real race begins. All the other races that evening the bunch had slowed and pulled up the banking as the motorbike pulled up so I though I would take a flyer off the motorbike and surprise them. Only one guy wasn't awake so I had four grinning Dutchmen sitting on my wheel thinking that surely this dopey Kiwi didn't expect us to fall for that old one, going into the last lap where, consequently I got cleaned out in the dash for the line.
Next day we headed down to Belgium for a kermesse, which is basically a booze up with a bike race. I was short changed with this race because even though we had cobbles, narrow roads and spectators blowing cigarette smoke in your face the weather was totally un-Belgium by being a nice fine day with little wind. This was of little comfort to me during the race as it rapidly turned to “slagroom” as we say in Holland. I was also hoping to try the local beer as Belgium is renown for its fine selection. You go to a supermarket and will be greeted by big long aisles of the stuff, starting from weak as “tui' like brown fizzy water up to the real knock a cow out at ten paces stuff. I will be endeavouring to do an exhausting in-depth study of this important subject before getting back to New Zealand.
Track training has been going well. At the weekly group session this week the Dutch pro road champion Nikki Terpstra has been training with us. Honestly no one takes much notice, he is just back from the world champs in Australia where he covered himself in glory by almost winning with a late breakaway which was caught in the last kilometer.
On Friday night at the local track they had the first heats of the European Stayer champs. I mentioned these in the last report. Very spectacular racing, the British moto rider smacked the wall and went down and one of the German moto's chopped a Dutchman to the delight of the Dutch crowd. This sport is huge in Germany where crowds of ten thousand will routinely show up to races. The pressure was on the Germans to perform in front of their supporters as the Dutch had won two heats so the Germans had to win the third.
Now as every Dutchman knows, when Germans swarm across the border thinking it's 'third time lucky' this has never in the past been a time for celebration. Ivar and me committed the fatal error of sitting by them in the stand and found out why.
In the late 1930s the Germans had a dive bomber plane called a “Stuka” which they used to great effect. Now the Stuka wasn't a great plane but some enterprising German put a siren on it which when the Stuka started to dive down to bomb, the siren would wind up producing a screaming sound which was found to cause far more damage to the population physiologically that the actual bombing itself, so the stuka was used more as a tool for physiological warfare. If you ever wondered what happened to the guy who thought this all up, I suspect he works for the air horn factory that the German supporters shop at. I have never heard anything so loud or so many different noises as when the German riders shot past and it may have scared me for life, certainly when they didn't win I noted many happy faces, much like VE day.
I raced open, and we had five events; points, scratch, miss and out, keirin heats and final and a mystery distance event. The first couple of races were ok as I was still finding my racing legs, but I improved throughout the evening. In my keirin heat everything was going fine when I got this huge hook that smacked my front wheel that sent me up the banking, I managed to stay upright and still qualified for the final. The guy who hooked me rode up beside me and patting me on the back and apologised, or so I think, he could have been telling me to eat splinters for all I knew. In one of the other heats a rider was disqualified for “dangerous riding” which I thought was almost impossible in a keirin, so the guy may have been covering his tracks.
We had the mystery distance race before the final and I can report that I won this most prestigious event. Ivar told me just to keep an eye on the guy with the bell. The commissionaire's stood round talking while we raced ignoring what was going on for ages. I went out on the attack with two others, who eventually had enough of being out the front and just as I was left out front by myself they rang the bell for the final lap. The bunch never caught me.
I made a mess of the keirin final, I drew place one which is the guy who has to catch and sit behind the motor bike for the first 1300 meters. The motor bike goes faster and faster until at 50kph and 700m to go the motorbike pulls down and the real race begins. All the other races that evening the bunch had slowed and pulled up the banking as the motorbike pulled up so I though I would take a flyer off the motorbike and surprise them. Only one guy wasn't awake so I had four grinning Dutchmen sitting on my wheel thinking that surely this dopey Kiwi didn't expect us to fall for that old one, going into the last lap where, consequently I got cleaned out in the dash for the line.
Next day we headed down to Belgium for a kermesse, which is basically a booze up with a bike race. I was short changed with this race because even though we had cobbles, narrow roads and spectators blowing cigarette smoke in your face the weather was totally un-Belgium by being a nice fine day with little wind. This was of little comfort to me during the race as it rapidly turned to “slagroom” as we say in Holland. I was also hoping to try the local beer as Belgium is renown for its fine selection. You go to a supermarket and will be greeted by big long aisles of the stuff, starting from weak as “tui' like brown fizzy water up to the real knock a cow out at ten paces stuff. I will be endeavouring to do an exhausting in-depth study of this important subject before getting back to New Zealand.
Track training has been going well. At the weekly group session this week the Dutch pro road champion Nikki Terpstra has been training with us. Honestly no one takes much notice, he is just back from the world champs in Australia where he covered himself in glory by almost winning with a late breakaway which was caught in the last kilometer.
On Friday night at the local track they had the first heats of the European Stayer champs. I mentioned these in the last report. Very spectacular racing, the British moto rider smacked the wall and went down and one of the German moto's chopped a Dutchman to the delight of the Dutch crowd. This sport is huge in Germany where crowds of ten thousand will routinely show up to races. The pressure was on the Germans to perform in front of their supporters as the Dutch had won two heats so the Germans had to win the third.
Now as every Dutchman knows, when Germans swarm across the border thinking it's 'third time lucky' this has never in the past been a time for celebration. Ivar and me committed the fatal error of sitting by them in the stand and found out why.
In the late 1930s the Germans had a dive bomber plane called a “Stuka” which they used to great effect. Now the Stuka wasn't a great plane but some enterprising German put a siren on it which when the Stuka started to dive down to bomb, the siren would wind up producing a screaming sound which was found to cause far more damage to the population physiologically that the actual bombing itself, so the stuka was used more as a tool for physiological warfare. If you ever wondered what happened to the guy who thought this all up, I suspect he works for the air horn factory that the German supporters shop at. I have never heard anything so loud or so many different noises as when the German riders shot past and it may have scared me for life, certainly when they didn't win I noted many happy faces, much like VE day.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Heart of Hastings 10k Funride Course Notice
We will be using last year’s 10k Funride course, please note that the advertised course change on the entry form is incorrect. We apologise in advance. We are using last years 10k Funride course.
For all those entering online there is NO late entry fee for the Heart of Hastings 10k Funride - just enter online before Thursday 14th October.
For all those entering online there is NO late entry fee for the Heart of Hastings 10k Funride - just enter online before Thursday 14th October.
Monday, October 11, 2010
2010 RaboDirect Team Time Trial National Championship (Sunday 24th October, Hamilton)
There is an epic weekend planned for the RaboDirect Team Time Trial National Championship – make sure you get your entries in now! It is the opportunity to prove that your club has the fastest team in the country. Hamilton will host a whole weekend cycling feast with a central city criterium on the Saturday afternoon, and a charity road race on the Monday. Both events have awesome prize money up for grabs! Entries close Wednesday 16th October. More information available here.
Extract form BikeNZ Road and Track Rules 2011:
4.1 Entry is open to Club Teams only
4.2 Team entry will be limited to a maximum of 7 riders. Riders must be
licenced with the club that is entering the team
4.3 The team competing will be 4 riders, who may only be drawn from
the list of the 7 riders entered as part of that team.
4.4 Teams will be timed on the 3rd rider to cross the line.
4.5 Team Grades are: U17 (20km), Open (40km), Masters (40km), all
with separate mens & womens categories
4.6 Masters Grades consist of M1 (35 to 44), M2 (45 to 54), M3 (55+).
4.7 Teams can consist of mixed grades, however, the team grade will
then be determined by the youngest rider – e.g. a team consisting of
M1 & M2 grade riders will be categorized as an M1 team. U17 teams may not be mixed with any other category
4.8 Teams will start at 3 minute intervals. A draw shall be made for start
position, based on known results / previous years placing, with the
fastest team starting last
4.9 Riders will NOT be held or assisted at the start. Riders who break
the start will be awarded a time penalty.
4.10 The standard 25m x 2m drafting box applies
4.11 In the event of a team being overtaken, such team will avoid all
contact with the overtaking team.
4.12 The overtaken team has 1km to drop back to at least 25m behind the
other team.
4.13 Any rider dropped from a team may not join another team, or receive
or provide assistance.
4.14 Riders comprising the same team may exchange cycles, parts, food
and drink between themselves
4.15 All members of a team shall be entitled to a medal
4.16 Riders must compete in Club Colours.
Extract form BikeNZ Road and Track Rules 2011:
4.1 Entry is open to Club Teams only
4.2 Team entry will be limited to a maximum of 7 riders. Riders must be
licenced with the club that is entering the team
4.3 The team competing will be 4 riders, who may only be drawn from
the list of the 7 riders entered as part of that team.
4.4 Teams will be timed on the 3rd rider to cross the line.
4.5 Team Grades are: U17 (20km), Open (40km), Masters (40km), all
with separate mens & womens categories
4.6 Masters Grades consist of M1 (35 to 44), M2 (45 to 54), M3 (55+).
4.7 Teams can consist of mixed grades, however, the team grade will
then be determined by the youngest rider – e.g. a team consisting of
M1 & M2 grade riders will be categorized as an M1 team. U17 teams may not be mixed with any other category
4.8 Teams will start at 3 minute intervals. A draw shall be made for start
position, based on known results / previous years placing, with the
fastest team starting last
4.9 Riders will NOT be held or assisted at the start. Riders who break
the start will be awarded a time penalty.
4.10 The standard 25m x 2m drafting box applies
4.11 In the event of a team being overtaken, such team will avoid all
contact with the overtaking team.
4.12 The overtaken team has 1km to drop back to at least 25m behind the
other team.
4.13 Any rider dropped from a team may not join another team, or receive
or provide assistance.
4.14 Riders comprising the same team may exchange cycles, parts, food
and drink between themselves
4.15 All members of a team shall be entitled to a medal
4.16 Riders must compete in Club Colours.
Kerry (Race Report 2)
Not a lot of racing has been going on but we are spending a fair amount of time at the local velodrome and training with the locals working on leg speed, riding in tight groups and started some work on pacing.
On Thursday nights here they have a track training night open to anyone who shows up. Under 15 through to national representatives from Holland and Indonesia were there, roughly 45 riders on a track with a maximum racing limit of 24. The trainer would stand at the side of the track and call out instructions over the public address system and groups would form up, sprint or whatever on his instructions just like a square dance on track bikes. This works extremely well, assuming everyone speaks good Dutch of course. It was soon worked out that the idiot in “The Hub” shorts did not in fact speak good Dutch. Once they found out I came from New Zealand everyone was really pleased to ride beside me telling me what was happening next etc and striking up conversations between efforts that always went along the same lines of asking where in New Zealand was I from, then they would say they had an Aunty / Uncle / Cousin who lived in Auckland / Wellington / Te Puke and did I know them?.One guy was even riding round in a New Zealand skinsuit and he tearfully told me how he wasn't allowed to go back to New Zealand by his Dutch wife.
Really good two hour session tightly run and everyone got a good workout. Apparently Thomas Dekker was at one session when he took a call on his cellphone, he was instantly booted out, so even national hero's have to strictly follow the rules or leave.
After we finished, training got really spectacular because the Stayers came out to train. Stayer bikes have their fork turned round backwards, have a little 24inch front wheel, reinforcement stays under the handlebars and seat and an enormous Ken Mackenzie type chainring. One bike I looked at had a 66 tooth front and 13 tooth cog on the back. The riders, and I can confirm they did have a crazed look in their eyes, charge round behind big motorcycles at up to 100kph on some tracks. When things go wrong they really go wrong as there have been a number of deaths over the long history of Stayer racing. Apparently last year when a motorbike and rider went down, the nurses took four and a half hours to remove all the splinters from their bodies.
The pacers are Honda CN400cc twins with a roller stuck out the back. The local velodrome has nine identical ones lined up at the track. The motor cycle rider stands on the back pegs and wears this special helmet that makes him look like a cyberman. This has bulges open at the back around his ears so he can hear the rider yelling at him. He also wears some very fetching leather pants and jacket, think Doctor Who meets the Village People. Anyway the macho cyberman stands up straight on the back pegs of the bike with his arms straight down by his side. Once again think village people when they do the “M” in YMCA and you get the idea. The handlebars are extended back all the way to their hands held by their sides, and that's how they charge round, trying to make as big as possible windbreak for the rider as possible. The noise and the speed make this an amazing spectacle, specially when you get them roaring round side by side.
The Dutch love “out there” sport. There was a tv channel which only broadcast tractor pulling. But this would appear pedestrian to surely, what would on paper at least, be the most exciting spectator sport known to man, the sport of 'dyke jumping'. I tried to find out more about this exciting sport, possibly the liberal minded Dutch would screen it on late night tv, after all any culture which doesn't bat an eyelid over B & D cybermen whizzing round a velodrome on motorcycles would be right into televised dyke jumping. Sadly it would appear this sport sounds far more exciting than it actually is. Its sort of like pole vaulting across real dykes.
I have discovered in Holland you have to be ready for some of these simple traps. For instance if you were to go into a pub and ask for the “slagroom” they will bring you a plate of custard, where's the fun in that.
All good here.
On Thursday nights here they have a track training night open to anyone who shows up. Under 15 through to national representatives from Holland and Indonesia were there, roughly 45 riders on a track with a maximum racing limit of 24. The trainer would stand at the side of the track and call out instructions over the public address system and groups would form up, sprint or whatever on his instructions just like a square dance on track bikes. This works extremely well, assuming everyone speaks good Dutch of course. It was soon worked out that the idiot in “The Hub” shorts did not in fact speak good Dutch. Once they found out I came from New Zealand everyone was really pleased to ride beside me telling me what was happening next etc and striking up conversations between efforts that always went along the same lines of asking where in New Zealand was I from, then they would say they had an Aunty / Uncle / Cousin who lived in Auckland / Wellington / Te Puke and did I know them?.One guy was even riding round in a New Zealand skinsuit and he tearfully told me how he wasn't allowed to go back to New Zealand by his Dutch wife.
Really good two hour session tightly run and everyone got a good workout. Apparently Thomas Dekker was at one session when he took a call on his cellphone, he was instantly booted out, so even national hero's have to strictly follow the rules or leave.
After we finished, training got really spectacular because the Stayers came out to train. Stayer bikes have their fork turned round backwards, have a little 24inch front wheel, reinforcement stays under the handlebars and seat and an enormous Ken Mackenzie type chainring. One bike I looked at had a 66 tooth front and 13 tooth cog on the back. The riders, and I can confirm they did have a crazed look in their eyes, charge round behind big motorcycles at up to 100kph on some tracks. When things go wrong they really go wrong as there have been a number of deaths over the long history of Stayer racing. Apparently last year when a motorbike and rider went down, the nurses took four and a half hours to remove all the splinters from their bodies.
The pacers are Honda CN400cc twins with a roller stuck out the back. The local velodrome has nine identical ones lined up at the track. The motor cycle rider stands on the back pegs and wears this special helmet that makes him look like a cyberman. This has bulges open at the back around his ears so he can hear the rider yelling at him. He also wears some very fetching leather pants and jacket, think Doctor Who meets the Village People. Anyway the macho cyberman stands up straight on the back pegs of the bike with his arms straight down by his side. Once again think village people when they do the “M” in YMCA and you get the idea. The handlebars are extended back all the way to their hands held by their sides, and that's how they charge round, trying to make as big as possible windbreak for the rider as possible. The noise and the speed make this an amazing spectacle, specially when you get them roaring round side by side.
The Dutch love “out there” sport. There was a tv channel which only broadcast tractor pulling. But this would appear pedestrian to surely, what would on paper at least, be the most exciting spectator sport known to man, the sport of 'dyke jumping'. I tried to find out more about this exciting sport, possibly the liberal minded Dutch would screen it on late night tv, after all any culture which doesn't bat an eyelid over B & D cybermen whizzing round a velodrome on motorcycles would be right into televised dyke jumping. Sadly it would appear this sport sounds far more exciting than it actually is. Its sort of like pole vaulting across real dykes.
I have discovered in Holland you have to be ready for some of these simple traps. For instance if you were to go into a pub and ask for the “slagroom” they will bring you a plate of custard, where's the fun in that.
All good here.
Kerry Harford entertains with race reports from Europe
I had been asked to keep everyone updated on progress so I will do regular updates and this is the first. As there has been no racing to report on I will fill this report with “stuff”.
Ivar and me staggered into Amsterdam airport on Saturday night after two days of flying and discovered that the bikes and gear hadn't been as diligent at making the same flights. Mind you totally by luck Ivar woke up in Heathrow and realised our flight was being called, he quickly woke me and we staggered to our gate. The legs didn't handle inactivity as well as they could.
First day in Holland and we went to watch a “mountain bike race” at a local park. Clearly as Campagnolo don't make mountain bike componentry I normally wouldn't be seen dead there but they also allow cyclocross bikes in the race as well so things weren't too bad. The course was a mix of single track through some bush and fast stuff along muddy grass and bike paths that are all better engineered than say the Auckland motorway. They handle their bikes very well considering that the paths and roads they ride around on here make some velodromes look treacherous.
Bikes and gear turned up on Monday and I didn't waste time getting out. If you enjoy a gentle breeze while out riding you are in for a treat here. Mind you I got suspicious that a wind might spring up from time to time here when I looked out my bedroom window the first morning to see nine enormous wind turbines quietly turning over. These guys are the same as in the Manawatu and in this part of Holland the place is full of them. You can own your very own wind turbine and one guy makes 75 thousand euro from his each year.
We are close to the sea here, the land was reclaimed back in the 16th century and originally all the dykes and drains were pumped out using windmills. The windmills are mostly gone as it has been found that an electric pump works better. The house is in fact 1.5mtrs below sea level and the ground is mostly sandy with a bit of earth mixed in. Obviously growing options are limited so this is tulip country with grass grown in the off season to stop your paddocks from disappearing in whatever direction the wind has been blowing.
Tuesday we visited the local velodrome for our first training session. The velodrome surrounding land has a mountain bike track and trials area as well as the clubs administration offices. You leave your track bike at the track in a lock up and use your road bike to ride there for a warm up. The velodrome is of course an indoor 250m wooden track with shorter straights and longer curves than Invercargill, it has been used to set the derny hour record, which is where some crazy fat bloke sits on a special motorbike while a crazy skinny bloke rides a special track bike designed to get as close to the motorbike as possible while withstanding the high g forces that are generated in the curves when travelling at 70kph plus. Eddy Merckx had a crash on one which stuffed his back for life and killed his derny driver. Most likely will be staying away from derny races. Anyway first day on the track I stayed upright and worked on trying to generate some leg speed.
Wednesday was the same. The local elite track sprinters were there training too. Track Sprinters have a great life. Leisurely warm ups and warm downs, the odd sprint flying down off the banking, in other words not too much training, and then sit round and talk about it. They generally have big legs and bums and don't like you saying things about their mothers. Listening to them talk I can report the Dutch word for “supercharger” is the same as ours, and they obviously were not talking about me. All good.
I had been asked to keep everyone updated on progress so I will do regular updates and this is the first. As there has been no racing to report on I will fill this report with “stuff”.
Ivar and me staggered into Amsterdam airport on Saturday night after two days of flying and discovered that the bikes and gear hadn't been as diligent at making the same flights. Mind you totally by luck Ivar woke up in Heathrow and realised our flight was being called, he quickly woke me and we staggered to our gate. The legs didn't handle inactivity as well as they could.
First day in Holland and we went to watch a “mountain bike race” at a local park. Clearly as Campagnolo don't make mountain bike componentry I normally wouldn't be seen dead there but they also allow cyclocross bikes in the race as well so things weren't too bad. The course was a mix of single track through some bush and fast stuff along muddy grass and bike paths that are all better engineered than say the Auckland motorway. They handle their bikes very well considering that the paths and roads they ride around on here make some velodromes look treacherous.
Bikes and gear turned up on Monday and I didn't waste time getting out. If you enjoy a gentle breeze while out riding you are in for a treat here. Mind you I got suspicious that a wind might spring up from time to time here when I looked out my bedroom window the first morning to see nine enormous wind turbines quietly turning over. These guys are the same as in the Manawatu and in this part of Holland the place is full of them. You can own your very own wind turbine and one guy makes 75 thousand euro from his each year.
We are close to the sea here, the land was reclaimed back in the 16th century and originally all the dykes and drains were pumped out using windmills. The windmills are mostly gone as it has been found that an electric pump works better. The house is in fact 1.5mtrs below sea level and the ground is mostly sandy with a bit of earth mixed in. Obviously growing options are limited so this is tulip country with grass grown in the off season to stop your paddocks from disappearing in whatever direction the wind has been blowing.
Tuesday we visited the local velodrome for our first training session. The velodrome surrounding land has a mountain bike track and trials area as well as the clubs administration offices. You leave your track bike at the track in a lock up and use your road bike to ride there for a warm up. The velodrome is of course an indoor 250m wooden track with shorter straights and longer curves than Invercargill, it has been used to set the derny hour record, which is where some crazy fat bloke sits on a special motorbike while a crazy skinny bloke rides a special track bike designed to get as close to the motorbike as possible while withstanding the high g forces that are generated in the curves when travelling at 70kph plus. Eddy Merckx had a crash on one which stuffed his back for life and killed his derny driver. Most likely will be staying away from derny races. Anyway first day on the track I stayed upright and worked on trying to generate some leg speed.
Wednesday was the same. The local elite track sprinters were there training too. Track Sprinters have a great life. Leisurely warm ups and warm downs, the odd sprint flying down off the banking, in other words not too much training, and then sit round and talk about it. They generally have big legs and bums and don't like you saying things about their mothers. Listening to them talk I can report the Dutch word for “supercharger” is the same as ours, and they obviously were not talking about me. All good.
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Saturday Race 9th October 2010
Race Start: Crystal Road
Venue Afterwards: Arohanui Centre
Race Circuit: Mutiny Road
Registration: from 1pm (pay your $3 and be registered before 1:45) Race briefing: 1:50pm Race start time: from 2pm Race Starter: Don Kennedy Race Day Emergency Phone: 0274266895
Venue Afterwards: Arohanui Centre
Race Circuit: Mutiny Road
Registration: from 1pm (pay your $3 and be registered before 1:45) Race briefing: 1:50pm Race start time: from 2pm Race Starter: Don Kennedy Race Day Emergency Phone: 0274266895
Tour of the Bay
Last call for online entries tonight to avoid the late entry fee of $15.00 from Oct 7th.
Remember - no on the day entries (on Sunday 17th).
Helpers needed on Saturday morning for packing bags. Please contact co-director, Vicki Butterworth, if you can assist: 06 845 9333 ext.722
Helpers still needed for Sunday, drivers, marshals and general helpers. Please contact co-director, Ken MacKenzie, if you can assist 06 839 5870
Remember - no on the day entries (on Sunday 17th).
Helpers needed on Saturday morning for packing bags. Please contact co-director, Vicki Butterworth, if you can assist: 06 845 9333 ext.722
Helpers still needed for Sunday, drivers, marshals and general helpers. Please contact co-director, Ken MacKenzie, if you can assist 06 839 5870
Thanks from Mark
Mark wishes to thank those who turned to ride the 110 TOB course last Sunday, it made it a super training ride.
Ramblers on Twitter
If you tweet, you’ll be pleased to you can find Ramblers Cycling Club there now @Ramblerscycling Follow what you're interested in and get Tweets in real time.
Tuesday Night Training Rides
A reminder that this weekly training ride from the bus shelter near the Taradale clock tower has resumed. Meeet at 5.15pm to thrash around Apley and Seafield Roads and a team time trial back from Bay View to the city.
Upcoming Events
17th October: Caltex Tour of the Bay.
Register online or pick up an entry form from most bike shops and Caltex stations.
23rd October: Hamilton Criterium.
First across the line is the winner, special prizes for sprints. Elite Race – full bike NZ licence required. Open event - open to anyone of suitable ability.
Each race 60 minutes, limit 100 riders per race. For more information go to
23rd October: Gwaloop
New Zealands longest one day cycle chalenge, Gisborne
For information:
24th October: Rangitikei River Loop Cycle.
100km/43km/17km. Contact Barry Lamp For more details go to
24th October: Raboplus BikeNZ Team Time Trial National Championships.
Hamilton. BikeNZ Club Team Event (male or female teams, U17, Open or Masters).
Recreational Team Event male or female teams, riders of any age). For more information go to
25th October: The Charity Bike Ride.
A fundraiser for the Hamilton Rescue Helicopter. 100km or 75km options. Cash prizes, spot prizes, entry by donation. For more information go to
20th November: Hamilton City Cycling Club Open and Fun Ride. Registration from 8am at Horsham Downs School. Open: A, B, C U17, U15 U13 grades – BikeNZ License required for Open. Fun Ride: D and E grades. Contact Mark or go to
21st November: Hampton Downs Cycling Festival.
A new event, how many laps can you do? Road and mountain bike events on the 2.8km motor race circuit. Events start at 9am and go until 7pm. Entries close 7th November, no on-the-day entries. For more information go to
13-19 February: Third Annual Lion Foundation Wellington to Auckland Cycle Challenge.
A seven day bike ride consisting of 13 stages from Wellington to Auckland, open to riders of all abilities and ages. For more information go to
Register online or pick up an entry form from most bike shops and Caltex stations.
23rd October: Hamilton Criterium.
First across the line is the winner, special prizes for sprints. Elite Race – full bike NZ licence required. Open event - open to anyone of suitable ability.
Each race 60 minutes, limit 100 riders per race. For more information go to
23rd October: Gwaloop
New Zealands longest one day cycle chalenge, Gisborne
For information:
24th October: Rangitikei River Loop Cycle.
100km/43km/17km. Contact Barry Lamp For more details go to
24th October: Raboplus BikeNZ Team Time Trial National Championships.
Hamilton. BikeNZ Club Team Event (male or female teams, U17, Open or Masters).
Recreational Team Event male or female teams, riders of any age). For more information go to
25th October: The Charity Bike Ride.
A fundraiser for the Hamilton Rescue Helicopter. 100km or 75km options. Cash prizes, spot prizes, entry by donation. For more information go to
20th November: Hamilton City Cycling Club Open and Fun Ride. Registration from 8am at Horsham Downs School. Open: A, B, C U17, U15 U13 grades – BikeNZ License required for Open. Fun Ride: D and E grades. Contact Mark or go to
21st November: Hampton Downs Cycling Festival.
A new event, how many laps can you do? Road and mountain bike events on the 2.8km motor race circuit. Events start at 9am and go until 7pm. Entries close 7th November, no on-the-day entries. For more information go to
13-19 February: Third Annual Lion Foundation Wellington to Auckland Cycle Challenge.
A seven day bike ride consisting of 13 stages from Wellington to Auckland, open to riders of all abilities and ages. For more information go to
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
2011 RaboDirect National Schools Road Cycling Championships
The dates for 2011 are different to previous years to accommodate the changes to term structure caused by the Rugby World Cup.
The dates for the 2011 RaboDirect National Schools Road Cycling Championships are Oct 8 – 10.
The dates for the 2011 RaboDirect National Schools Road Cycling Championships are Oct 8 – 10.
Monday, October 4, 2010
Ramblers Logo Voting
If you were not at Bridge Pa on 2 October you will can access the Logo designs on line at from today.
Voting closes on Friday 8 October.
Ramblers members who have not yet voted can cast their vote by emailing Concept A or Concept B to
It is important to realise that the jerseys are concepts designed to give context to the proposed logos and may not be the final jersey design.
The vote is for the logo!
Voting closes on Friday 8 October.
Ramblers members who have not yet voted can cast their vote by emailing Concept A or Concept B to
It is important to realise that the jerseys are concepts designed to give context to the proposed logos and may not be the final jersey design.
The vote is for the logo!
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Indicative Logo Design Presentation
Member response to the recent logo questionnaire was appreciated but less than ideal in helping the committee decide between the logo concepts. Around 25% of members responded. The communications sub-committee and designers feel strongly that Logo A is the best option to take the club forward. One important aspect we have become aware was that there was no opportunity to meet members face to face and explain the relative strengths of the logo concepts.
It has also been commented on that it is asking a lot of people to expect them to visualise how a logo might be used without giving an example.
Su Daniel from No9 Marketing and Design will present two indicative jersey concepts incorporating logos A and C before the race at Bridge Pa on 2 October.
Note: These are not the final jersey designs but do indicate where the jersey designs will head depending on which logo design is adopted.
Please come early to the race as racing will start only when voting has been completed. Su Daniel will present concepts at 1.40pm followed by voting at 1.45pm. Race briefing will be just prior to the presentation and you will have time to warm up before the race starts.
If you are not at Bridge Pa on 2 October you will be able to access the designs on line at\files\concepts.pdf from Monday 4 October. Voting closes on Friday 8 October. When you have viewed them you can cast your vote by emailing
It has also been commented on that it is asking a lot of people to expect them to visualise how a logo might be used without giving an example.
Su Daniel from No9 Marketing and Design will present two indicative jersey concepts incorporating logos A and C before the race at Bridge Pa on 2 October.
Note: These are not the final jersey designs but do indicate where the jersey designs will head depending on which logo design is adopted.
Please come early to the race as racing will start only when voting has been completed. Su Daniel will present concepts at 1.40pm followed by voting at 1.45pm. Race briefing will be just prior to the presentation and you will have time to warm up before the race starts.
If you are not at Bridge Pa on 2 October you will be able to access the designs on line at\files\concepts.pdf from Monday 4 October. Voting closes on Friday 8 October. When you have viewed them you can cast your vote by emailing
Saturday Race 2nd October 2010: Please note early registration and voting opportunity
Venue: Bridge Pa School
Race Circuit: Valley-Raukawa
Registration: from 1pm (pay your $3 and be registered before 1:45) Race briefing: 1:35pm Presentation on Club Logo Proposal: 1:40pm
Voting: 1:45pm
Race start time: from 2pm
Race Starter: Don Kennedy
Race Day Emergency Phone: 0274266895
Race Circuit: Valley-Raukawa
Registration: from 1pm (pay your $3 and be registered before 1:45) Race briefing: 1:35pm Presentation on Club Logo Proposal: 1:40pm
Voting: 1:45pm
Race start time: from 2pm
Race Starter: Don Kennedy
Race Day Emergency Phone: 0274266895
National Points Series: Taupo-Napier Classic: 25th September
To all of our dedicated club members whose hard work made the Taupo-Napier Classic Race possible, a sincere thank you.
17th October: Caltex Tour of the Bay.
Register online or pick up an entry form from most bike shops and Caltex stations.
If you are not riding this year and can assist on Saturday (registration) or Sunday (for example; at the venue or marshalling or driving) please contact Ken MacKenzie
If you are not riding this year and can assist on Saturday (registration) or Sunday (for example; at the venue or marshalling or driving) please contact Ken MacKenzie
Training Buddy for the Caltex Tour of the Bay
Mark Garner (F grade) would appreciate company each Sunday to ride the 110km Tour of the Bay course.
If you are interested, please talk to Mark at this Saturday’s race, or email him
If you are interested, please talk to Mark at this Saturday’s race, or email him
Tuesday Night Training Rides
With the long-awaited resumption of daylight savings the weekly training ride from the bus shelter near the Taradale clock tower resumed at 5.15pm earlier this evening. If you would like to join in, you are more than welcome to do so from Tuesday 5 October, 5:15pm at the Taradale Clock Tower. Any keen souls are welcome on a thrash around Apley and Seafield Roads and a team time trial back from Bay View to the city.
Mountain Bike Workshops in November
For those of you who travel to the dark and muddy side of cycling from time to
time: Jacquie Phelan (flaming ecotist, bicycle racer, slow food chef, journalist, co-founder of NORBA and founder of WOMBATS) is coming to NZ for the first time to the World Single Speed Champs in Rotorua and BikeHB is delighted to announce that she will be coming to Hawkes Bay (November 6-7) to present some of her unique workshops.
1. Honest-to-Goddess Beginners Finesse for Women ($65)
2. One Less scar: phobia workshop ($45)
3. Fat Tyre History From The Source ($20)
4. Couples Therapy for Bikers($60)
5. Mother Daughter Tea Party with a Bicycle ($40)
6. In Pursuit of Podiums ($20)
All enquiries/applications/payments to attend these workshops can be posted to or dropped of to Vicki at BikeHB. Postal Address: Bike HB, PO Box 7537, Taradale, Napier 4141 or in person to SportHB, Pettigrew Green Arena, Taradale.
time: Jacquie Phelan (flaming ecotist, bicycle racer, slow food chef, journalist, co-founder of NORBA and founder of WOMBATS) is coming to NZ for the first time to the World Single Speed Champs in Rotorua and BikeHB is delighted to announce that she will be coming to Hawkes Bay (November 6-7) to present some of her unique workshops.
1. Honest-to-Goddess Beginners Finesse for Women ($65)
2. One Less scar: phobia workshop ($45)
3. Fat Tyre History From The Source ($20)
4. Couples Therapy for Bikers($60)
5. Mother Daughter Tea Party with a Bicycle ($40)
6. In Pursuit of Podiums ($20)
All enquiries/applications/payments to attend these workshops can be posted to or dropped of to Vicki at BikeHB. Postal Address: Bike HB, PO Box 7537, Taradale, Napier 4141 or in person to SportHB, Pettigrew Green Arena, Taradale.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Ramblers Shine again at National Secondary Schools
Nationals Secondary Schools is run over three days with a TTT run in Levin, Road Race in Feilding and Points Race at Mansfield. This event attracts a lot of entrants from around the country with some age groups attracting fields of 90 and some schools entering 6 teams.
Result of the weekend was Sam Thorpe - Loversuch (Hillcrest High School) winning the year 7/8 points race.
Lindisfarne College (James Lochhead, William Green, Ben Ross, Ben Peterson) competed in the U16 Boys TTT coming 12th out of 41 teams and improving their ranking.
All Ramblers riders worked well in the Road races with top 5 results from Regan Gough (Bronze), Sam Thorpe - Loversuch 4th ,Corban Mason Smith 5th
In age group order:
Year 7 - 8 Girls Amanda Jamieson (Waipukurau School) 16th from 59
Year 7 - 8 Girls Kristen Findlay (Waipukurau School) 57th from 59
Year 7 - 8 Boys Sam Thorpe - Loversuch (Hillcrest High School) 4th from 64
Year 7 - 8 Boys Liam Johnson (Argyll East) 38th from 64
Year 7 - 8 Boys Noah Mason Smith (Central Hawkes Bay College) 41st from 64
Year 7 - 8 Boys Andrew Napthen (Argyll East) 42nd from 64
U14 Boys Corban Mason Smith (Central Hawkes Bay College) 5th from 19
U15 Girls Phoebe Treseder (Iona College) 19th = from 48
U15 Boys Regan Gough (Central Hawkes Bay College) 3rd from 71
U15 Boys Ben Ross (Lindisfarne College) 7th from 71
U15 Boys William Green (Lindisfarne College) 11th from 71
U15 Boys Tobia Robertshawe (Christs College) 17th from 71
U15 Boys Ben Petersen (Lindisfarne College) 55th from 71
U16 Girls Holly ATKINS (Hastings Girls' High School) 38th from 46
U16 Boys James Lochhead (Lindisfarne College) 20th from 68
U16 Boys Mike Garrity (Havelock North High School) 21st from 68
U17 Boys Lance Welch (Napier Boys High School) 17th from 42
U20 Girls Megan Watson (Hastings Girls High School) 7th from 36
U20 Girls Hannah Van Kampen (Taikura Rudolf Steiner Napier) 18th from 36
U20 Boys Simon Pepper (Central Hawkes Bay College) 65th from 66
In the Points Races Top 5 results Sam Thorpe - Loversuch 1st, Regan Gough 3rd, Phoebe Treseder 4th, Megan Watson 4th.
William Green and Hannah Van Kampen both outstanding support riders in their age groups.
Year 7 - 8 Girls Amanda Jamieson (Waipukurau School) 23rd from 51
Year 7 - 8 Girls Kristen Findlay (Waipukurau School) 49th from 51
Year 7 - 8 Boys Sam Thorpe - Loversuch (Hillcrest High School) 1st from 56 (8Pts)
U15 Girls Phoebe Treseder (Iona College) 4th from 49 (3Pts)
U15 Boys Regan Gough (Central Hawkes Bay College) 3rd from 69 (5Pts)
U15 Boys William Green (Lindisfarne College) 12th from 69
U15 Boys Tobia Robertshawe (Christs College) 31st from 69
U15 Boys Ben Petersen (Lindisfarne College) 49th from 69 (Mechanical)
U15 Boys Ben Ross (Lindisfarne College) DNF (Crash)
U16 Girls Holly ATKINS (Hastings Girls' High School) 36th from 46
U16 Boys James Lochhead (Lindisfarne College) (results unavailable)
U16 Boys Mike Garrity (Havelock North High School)(results unavailable)
U17 Boys Lance Welch (Napier Boys High School) 27th from 50
U17 Boys Logan Bean (Central Hawkes Bay College) 31st from 50
U20 Girls Megan Watson (Hastings Girls High School) 4th from 38 (5Pts 3rd =)
U20 Girls Hannah Van Kampen (Taikura Rudolf Steiner Napier) 32 from 38
U20 Boys Simon Pepper (Central Hawkes Bay College) 70 from 71
Thanks to all of the supporters especially Coach Ivar and Ashley for helping get everyone to their starts on time.
Please let me know if I have missed any -
Full results Here
Result of the weekend was Sam Thorpe - Loversuch (Hillcrest High School) winning the year 7/8 points race.
Lindisfarne College (James Lochhead, William Green, Ben Ross, Ben Peterson) competed in the U16 Boys TTT coming 12th out of 41 teams and improving their ranking.
All Ramblers riders worked well in the Road races with top 5 results from Regan Gough (Bronze), Sam Thorpe - Loversuch 4th ,Corban Mason Smith 5th
In age group order:
Year 7 - 8 Girls Amanda Jamieson (Waipukurau School) 16th from 59
Year 7 - 8 Girls Kristen Findlay (Waipukurau School) 57th from 59
Year 7 - 8 Boys Sam Thorpe - Loversuch (Hillcrest High School) 4th from 64
Year 7 - 8 Boys Liam Johnson (Argyll East) 38th from 64
Year 7 - 8 Boys Noah Mason Smith (Central Hawkes Bay College) 41st from 64
Year 7 - 8 Boys Andrew Napthen (Argyll East) 42nd from 64
U14 Boys Corban Mason Smith (Central Hawkes Bay College) 5th from 19
U15 Girls Phoebe Treseder (Iona College) 19th = from 48
U15 Boys Regan Gough (Central Hawkes Bay College) 3rd from 71
U15 Boys Ben Ross (Lindisfarne College) 7th from 71
U15 Boys William Green (Lindisfarne College) 11th from 71
U15 Boys Tobia Robertshawe (Christs College) 17th from 71
U15 Boys Ben Petersen (Lindisfarne College) 55th from 71
U16 Girls Holly ATKINS (Hastings Girls' High School) 38th from 46
U16 Boys James Lochhead (Lindisfarne College) 20th from 68
U16 Boys Mike Garrity (Havelock North High School) 21st from 68
U17 Boys Lance Welch (Napier Boys High School) 17th from 42
U20 Girls Megan Watson (Hastings Girls High School) 7th from 36
U20 Girls Hannah Van Kampen (Taikura Rudolf Steiner Napier) 18th from 36
U20 Boys Simon Pepper (Central Hawkes Bay College) 65th from 66
In the Points Races Top 5 results Sam Thorpe - Loversuch 1st, Regan Gough 3rd, Phoebe Treseder 4th, Megan Watson 4th.
William Green and Hannah Van Kampen both outstanding support riders in their age groups.
Year 7 - 8 Girls Amanda Jamieson (Waipukurau School) 23rd from 51
Year 7 - 8 Girls Kristen Findlay (Waipukurau School) 49th from 51
Year 7 - 8 Boys Sam Thorpe - Loversuch (Hillcrest High School) 1st from 56 (8Pts)
U15 Girls Phoebe Treseder (Iona College) 4th from 49 (3Pts)
U15 Boys Regan Gough (Central Hawkes Bay College) 3rd from 69 (5Pts)
U15 Boys William Green (Lindisfarne College) 12th from 69
U15 Boys Tobia Robertshawe (Christs College) 31st from 69
U15 Boys Ben Petersen (Lindisfarne College) 49th from 69 (Mechanical)
U15 Boys Ben Ross (Lindisfarne College) DNF (Crash)
U16 Girls Holly ATKINS (Hastings Girls' High School) 36th from 46
U16 Boys James Lochhead (Lindisfarne College) (results unavailable)
U16 Boys Mike Garrity (Havelock North High School)(results unavailable)
U17 Boys Lance Welch (Napier Boys High School) 27th from 50
U17 Boys Logan Bean (Central Hawkes Bay College) 31st from 50
U20 Girls Megan Watson (Hastings Girls High School) 4th from 38 (5Pts 3rd =)
U20 Girls Hannah Van Kampen (Taikura Rudolf Steiner Napier) 32 from 38
U20 Boys Simon Pepper (Central Hawkes Bay College) 70 from 71
Thanks to all of the supporters especially Coach Ivar and Ashley for helping get everyone to their starts on time.
Please let me know if I have missed any -
Full results Here
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